European Flood Initiative Water Directors Meeting 2-3 December 2004 Amsterdam Source: DB Magazine Source: Vienna City Council MA 45 From Dublin to Amsterdam, and beyond ... Flood-related funding
State of play - from Dublin to Amsterdam Dublin Water Directors Meeting June 2004 Commission Communication July 2004 Informal Environment Council July 2004 First political debate and Presidency Conclusions Commission legislative Proposals for - CAP Rural Development Regulation - Cohesion and Regional Development Regulations - LIFE+ Regulation (2007-2013) Environmental Council Council Working Group and COREPER Sep/Oct 2004 Environmental Council Oct 2004 Scope: there is a time to consult and there is a time to proceed with the internal decision-making and the final decision adopted by the Commission. Objective: Stakeholders: member States NGO’s and other organisations involved in flood prevention, protection and mitigation to receive food for thought
Environment Council Oct 2004 agreeing and supporting analysis and suggested axes of concerted action of the Communication recalling the need for consistency with the WFD: “… development of river basin management plans under the WFD and of flood risk management plans are elements of integrated river basin management; the two processes should therefore use the mutual potential for synergies” underlining the need for flexibility and subsidiarity and the importance of funding instruments inviting the Commission to come forward with a Proposal Scope: there is a time to consult and there is a time to proceed with the internal decision-making and the final decision adopted by the Commission. Objective: Stakeholders: member States NGO’s and other organisations involved in flood prevention, protection and mitigation to receive food for thought
Commitments taken by the Commission on other policies Communication: “… Commission to ensure that relevant all relevant EU policies contribute, where appropriate, to flood protection …”; Commission Proposals of July and September 2004 - CAP Rural Development Regulation - Cohesion and Regional Development Regulations - LIFE+ Regulation are already delivering on this commitment (see also information document on funding); Scope: there is a time to consult and there is a time to proceed with the internal decision-making and the final decision adopted by the Commission. Objective: Stakeholders: member States NGO’s and other organisations involved in flood prevention, protection and mitigation to receive food for thought
Development of the Proposal for a Floods Directive (1) foreseen instrument: Directive starting point: annex to Communication of July 2004 development accompanied by EAF (January to early May 2005); Member States, stakeholders and NGOs invited to nominate their representatives; interest group on flood forecasting to start (lead FR-Commission) impact assessment facilitated by a study SCG May 2005 Water Directors June 2005 target date for adoption of Proposal by Commission: October/November 2005 Scope: there is a time to consult and there is a time to proceed with the internal decision-making and the final decision adopted by the Commission. Objective: Stakeholders: member States NGO’s and other organisations involved in flood prevention, protection and mitigation to receive food for thought
Development of the Proposal for a Floods Directive (2) starting point: annex to Communication July 2004 (principles and structure) consistency with WFD, both in legislative text and in implementation efforts by Water Directors mandatory cooperation / coordination within river basins, leading to coordinated flood risk management plans for each river basin and coastal area level of protection, operational measures and deadlines for implementation of measures to be decided at regional / river basin level, whilst adhering to the principle of cooperation / coordination within river basins / sub-basins Scope: there is a time to consult and there is a time to proceed with the internal decision-making and the final decision adopted by the Commission. Objective: Stakeholders: member States NGO’s and other organisations involved in flood prevention, protection and mitigation to receive food for thought
Measures and funding opportunities for flood prevention/protection Common Agricultural Policy Cohesion and Structural Funds - Cohesion Fund - European Regional Development Fund - European Groupings of Cross-border Co-operation - proposed 336,1 billion EUR 2007 - 2013 LIFE+ - 2 strands (implementation & governance; information & communication; proposed 2,19 billion EUR 2007 - 2013 External Assistance - Pre-Accession Instrument replacing current instruments Phare, CARDS, ISPA, Sapard etc.: Croatia, Western Balkans, Turkey - European Neighbourhood and Partners - Development Cooperation and Economic Cooperation Instrument: all countries/regions not covered by the above DOCUMENT “Flood prevention / flood protection: measures and funding tools within the EU policies” Version no.: 1.0 Date: 26 November Author(s): EC-DG Environment D.2 Following the Commission Communication of July 2004, one of the elements of concerted EU action on flood risk management is that the Commission will ensure that relevant Community policies will contribute, where appropriate, to flood prevention and protection. This document is for information of the Water Directors on measures and funding tools within the EU which could contribute to flood prevention and flood protection. Contact: Helmut Blöch (DG ENV D.2) ( Adriënne van der Sar (DG ENV D.2) ( Scope: there is a time to consult and there is a time to proceed with the internal decision-making and the final decision adopted by the Commission. Objective: Stakeholders: member States NGO’s and other organisations involved in flood prevention, protection and mitigation to receive food for thought
Common Agricultural Policy funding opportunities for flood prevention/protection Principles - de-coupling - cross-compliance - modulation - PLUS: abandoning the principle of the (past) CAP that legally prescribed measures are not subject to any funding (“new measures”) 2nd pillar (rural development) - reduction of 1st pillar payments and shift to 2nd pillar will make available additional 1,2 billion EUR in 2007 - AND Member States have discretion to shift up to 10% of their national ceiling from “1st pillar” to “2nd pillar - Rural Development” - new Rural Development Regulation proposing three priority axes, all of them offering opportunities for flood-related funding Scope: there is a time to consult and there is a time to proceed with the internal decision-making and the final decision adopted by the Commission. Objective: Stakeholders: member States NGO’s and other organisations involved in flood prevention, protection and mitigation to receive food for thought
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