Dates to Remember Classroom News Upcoming Tests Birthdays this Month Ms. McDonough’s Class Classroom Newsletter October 3, 2016 Dates to Remember Classroom News Welcome into the month of October! We have been working hard these past several weeks. In math, we are practicing our math facts, telling time, understanding place value, and learning new ways to write numbers. In science, we have been discussing matter and its several properties as well as the 3 phases. Social Studies is our time to learn about maps, continents, oceans, and the regions of the United States. Lastly, in ELA, we are working to improve our reading stamina, finding new strategies to help us read, learning to write with detail and looking for cause and effect. Please check our website for more information! October 7th: 1pm Dismissal for Homecoming Parade October 19th: Early Dismissal Upcoming Tests October 5th: Math Chapter 2 Test October 7th: Spelling Test Birthdays this Month Frreci, 10th Ms. McDonough Email address: Ridgeland Elementary School Phone number: 631-793-1390 250 Jaguar Trail
What We’re Learning Next Week Other Information Here Spelling Words What We’re Learning Next Week Reading: Spelling/Phonics: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other Information Here Lunch Menu Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday:
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