English I By Mr. Faulkner
Remind 101 You may use your phones for this. Instructions are on the board to your left. Look for your specific class period. This app is VERY important for you and your parents because I use it to send you reminders about class. If you are having trouble joining right now, don’t worry! Try again when you get home. You should receive a text asking for your name and a confirmation once you are in the class.
Cell phone policy Unless told otherwise, EVERY day you come to class you will put your phone in “Phone Home” as soon as you walk through the door. Please turn it off before giving it to me so that it does not make a sound. If your phone makes a sound inside “Phone Home,” nothing happens. You’re good! If, however, you choose NOT to give me your phone and it DOES go off or you are seen using it, I will take it up the first time with no warning. People who surrender their phones to me will receive bonus points on that day’s assignment!
Teacher website Go to pearlk12.com. Click on “Choose Your School” and then “Pearl High School.” Click on “Teacher Websites” and click on my name. The welcome page will have announcements on it updated every week and the “Helpful Resources” page will have any materials we go over in class uploaded every week (in case you’re ever absent). Check this website REGULARLY! I sometimes even put answers on this website just to see who’s checking it!
Bathroom and passes If you need to go to the bathroom, ask and take the pass. You have to take the pass. Do not ask me to go to the bathroom the first 15 minutes of class. Do not ask me to go to the bathroom the last 15 minutes of class. (3A only) Do not ask me to go to the bathroom right before or right after lunch. All passes are located on the table by the door: Bathroom, Nurse, Office, Counselor. If you’re ever caught in the halls during class without a pass, you will get in trouble. (That’s the school’s policy, not mine.)
homework There is no homework in this class. Sometimes you will have to finish an essay at home but that’s ONLY if you have not finished it in class (and you will have plenty of time to finish it then). So remember: there’s no homework in here unless you give yourself homework.
Making up work If you ever miss class, it is YOUR responsibility to make up the work you missed on YOUR time. “Your time” means before school, after school, or during Homeroom. Whenever you miss an assignment due to absence, I will put a 0 for that assignment in the gradebook until you make it up. As per the handbook, you have the same amount of time that you missed to make that work up. For example, if you missed one day of class you have one class day to make that work up – not a week.
grades 3 types: Major: tests, essays, projects Minor: everything else – quizzes, bell-work, notebook checks, etc. Engagement: think of these are participation grades – as long as you contribute to class that day and not lose focus, you should get a 100 on these. I add grades to the gradebook all the time. Very rarely will you come in here and NOT receive a grade for something. Lots of grades is actually a good thing! It means that you can stock up on a lot of easy A’s!
Review objectives Be respectful of everyone Behave in a mature manner Think critically Act responsibly
Review procedures Bring all required materials to class every day Be seated in your assigned desk when the tardy bell rings No talking while the teacher is giving instruction No food or drink in class Raise your hand to share or leave your seat
Review materials 1A: Hand sanitizer Notebook = 1” binder 3A: Pencils 4A: Kleenex 5B: Hand sanitizer 6B: Pencils 8B: Kleenex Notebook = 1” binder Writing utensil Notebook paper