Protozoa Tamboli A. Z. Dept. of zoology, S. M. Joshi College, Hadapsar Protozoa Tamboli A.Z. Dept. of zoology, S.M.Joshi College, Hadapsar. F.Y.B.Sc.
General Characteristics Single-celled or unicellular organisms; some live in colonies; Size = microscopic (3 to 1,000 microns). No germ layers, tissues, or organs; However, specialized intracellular "organelles" are present Over 64, 000 species have been described; about 50, 000 are free-living
Locomotion by pseudopodia, flagella, or cilia. Symmetry = all types (bilateral, radial, spherical, or asymmetrical) Free living, commensal, parasitic, or mutualistic Mostly naked, but few have simple protective exoskeletons (tests), E.g. Arcella and Difflugia
Nutrition = autotrophic (holophytic), saprozoic, saprophytic, or holozoic. Reproduction: asexual = longitudinal and transverse binary fission, budding, multiple fission (sporogony, schizogony) Sexual = syngamy, autogamy, conjugation
List of Phyla Phylum Sarcodina Phylum Mastigophora Amoeba-like organisms (e.g. Amoeba, Entamoeba, Arcella) Phylum Mastigophora Phytomatigophorans (e.g. Euglena, Chlamydomonas) Zoomastigophorans (e.g. Trypanosoma, Giardia, Trichonomas, Trichonympha) Phylum Chlorophyta (e.g. Volvox) Phylum Ciliophora (e.g. Paramecium, Balantidium,) Phylum Apicomplexa (e.g. Plasmodium, Eimeria, Toxoplasma, Isospora)
Phylum Sarcodina Organisms move by pseudopodia, flagella, or a combination Single nucleus, or monomorphic nuclei Genera Amoeba - without a test, naked (free-living) Arcella - with a calcareous test (free-living) Entamoeba - without a test (parasitic)
Figure 11.10
Amoeba Pseudopod Food Vacuole Contractile Vacuole Nucleus Phagocytosis Hyaline Cap
Amoeba hunting food
Arcella Test Nucleus Pseudopod Arcella
Subphylum Euglenoidea Plant like organisms; photosynthesis Solitary Symmetry is usually bilateral Presence of stigma for light detection
Euglena Chloroplasts Contractile Vacuole Flagellum not visible Stigma
Kinetoplastida Organisms are only heterotrophic No chloroplasts present all parasitic Red Blood Cells Organism Trypanosoma smear – cause of sleeping sickness
Trypanasoma sp. Trypanosoma Red Blood Cells
Leishmania sp Giardia sp
Phylum Chlorophyta Flagellated single or colonial organisms All members are autotrophic, chloroplasts with chlorophyll Genetically different from Euglenozoa
Volvox life cycle
Zygote Egg Mother Colony Volvox
Phylum Apicomplexa organisms do not have locomotor structures; all species are parasitic asexual reproduction involves multiple fission (schizogony, sporogony) Plasmodium smear – cause of Malaria
Final Host Plasmodium – agent For malaria Vector
Ring stage merozoite trophozoite Red blood cell Trophozooite
Ring stage in red blood cell Ring stage – Early Trophozoite
Merozoites in the Schizont Schizont with merozoites in red blood cell Red blood cell Merozoites in the Schizont
Female Male Gametocytes
Phylum Ciliophora: The Ciliates Organisms move by cilia Usually two sizes of nuclei ; Macronucleus and micronucleus Reproduction usually by transverse binary fission Sexual reproduction by conjugation
Binary Fission – Asexual Reproduction
Conjugation – sexual reproduction
Protozoa: Ecological Importance Unicellular level of organization Highly specialized organelles for various physiological processes Prominent members of the aquatic food chain, especially detritivores and Symbiosis is highly developed among members i.e. Commensals, parasites, mutuals, and detritivores with multicellular organisms