World History Unit 3 Review Session Presentation. Let’s Review It Up!
Renaissance Humanism- Intellectual movement that stresses the importance of the individual. They stressed using your Reason. Focused on Greek and Roman literature and architecture. Leonardo Di Vinci painted the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. He also invented a lot of stuff and was into science. It started in Italy because of the wealthy city- states and their access to trade.
Renaissance Art It was much more realistic and secular (the real world). It focused on creating art to look like as it looks like in real life. Realistic paintings with perspective, depth, to them. The art also focused on classical Greek and Roman teachings.
Machiavelli. He was a writer during the Renaissance. He wrote about “the ends justifying the means.” He believed that a ruler, like a King, would sometimes have to do bad stuff in order for the good of the people. He believed that leaders can use any method to maintain their power.
Reformation Martin Luther wrote his 95 Theses which outline his problems with the Church, mainly their sale of Indulgences. He believed the Church was too focused on the material world (real world) and not as much on the spiritual world. He believed that the Bible (scripture) is what is important, not the Church. His teachings were spread because of the Printing Press.
John Calvin He believes everything Luther says, especially that the Bible is the most important source of religious truth. He believes in Predestination, however, which Luther does not. Predestination is the idea that all of our destinies have already been decided upon by God. He believes God has already decided who is to be “saved” and go to Heaven, and who hasn’t.
Henry VIII. He was the King of England who wanted a divorce from his wife. The Pope said nope, and then King Henry broke ties with the Catholic Church. He created the Anglican Church and became the head of that church.
English Civil War The Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights had limited the power of the monarchy. It created what we call a “Parliamentary Democracy” of sorts, because it created the Parliament which had some power. Now all the power did not reside in the King.
Written Response. Write this question down. In complete sentences, explain what Renaissance Characteristics this painting displays. Be specific using examples from the painting.
Fill in these answers…. 24, 25, and 27 are ALL (A).