Welcome to Mrs. Daggett
carlenedaggett@ccusd.org 20 years of teaching 6th grade Science I was born and raised in Culver City and both my Daughters attend CCUSD schools. Looking forward to a great year!
Next Generation Science Standards NGSS 3 Dimensions of NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas: science topics Crosscutting Concepts: patterns, cause and effect, structure and function Science and Engineering Practices: Engaging in argument through evidence (CER), graphing, analyzing data, models Science AND engineering Student Centered Critical Thinking Authentic Assessments
NGSS Science? Science is very student driven. Students will be asked to work through things and make claims to support their thinking. It can be frustrating for students at times but students learn best when they make connections through their own discoveries. They will work in groups often.They will learn from each other to build on their ideas and concepts.
Daily Supplies Interactive Notebook Glue Sticks!!! Pencils Helpful supplies Highlighters Red pen Blue or black pen Pencil sharpener with catch all Interactive Notebook Glue Sticks!!! Pencils
Interactive Science Notebook We will use our Interactive Science Notebooks EVERY Day! They must stay current with them. I have a copy for students to come and use anytime before/after school and during PAWS. It is a way to see your student's progress on each unit and to help them study for a test.
What do the stamps in the notebook mean??? The thumb stamp is used for assignments stamped for completion. Thumbs up stamp = 2pts for completion. Thumbs sideways stamp = 1pt for Partially done (incomplete) and/or did not follow instructions given Thumbs down stamp= 0pts for less than ⅔ complete
Assignments graded for accuracy. 5 Complete and showed good understanding. 4 Complete showed some understanding of the content/process 3 Complete but not understanding the concept(s) 2 Partially done (incomplete) and/or did not follow instructions given Less than ⅓ complete
How will the Interactive Notebook be graded? Assignments will be stamped during class. Goal: student achievement and development! Students can come in before school or after school to improve stamp grades prior to the Notebook Check at the end of the unit. After the Notebook Check, grades are final.
Formative Assessments We will have formative assessments throughout the unit. They will NOT be counted for a grade, but will inform your student and I, on how well they are understanding the concept. PAWS After/before school help
Summative Assessments We will have 1 to 2 assessments per unit. Traditional assessment (study notebook material and formative assessments) Project based (ex: solar ovens, group presentation of alternative energy sources)
Replenish Supplies (pencils and glue sticks) Communicate How can you help Check Notebooks often Replenish Supplies (pencils and glue sticks) Communicate Check websites
Check your student’s grade often Access Aries through our CCMS website under Parent Portal
Subscribe to my class. Homework website will send you daily Homework reminders! I post the homework daily and try to have all copies attached. I post powerpoints or other info that can help support at home. It is a great way to keep current when absent.
Glue Sticks NECESSITIES Tissues Wet wipes (help clean hands and desks after gluing) Scotch tape Supplies for Solar Oven Project Hershey Candy Bars Marshmallows Graham Cracker NECESSITIES
WISHLIST Markers Colored Pencils Card Stock Colored Paper Printer Construction Colored white board markers WISHLIST NICE TO HAVES