2015 Australian Graduate Survey Summary Analysis Provided by the Office of Strategic Planning and Information 5 May 2016
Introduction The Australian Graduate Survey (AGS) is the national census of newly qualified higher education graduates. Conducted annually since 1972, the AGS surveys new graduates from all Australian universities, and a number of higher education institutes and colleges, approximately four months after they complete the requirements for their awards. The survey response rate for domestic graduates—the primary focus of the AGS—typically ranges from 60 to 65 per cent.
Bachelor Destinations The AGS results show graduate destinations for bachelor degree graduates who are Australian citizens and permanent residents. The main ‘Destinations’ include availability for full time work, availability for part time work, current full time study and current part time work. The national rate of graduates available for full time employment is 61% while the rate of CSU graduates is 77%. Of the graduates available for full time employment data is provided on those in full time employment, part time employment and those not seeking employment. The national rate of graduates in this cohort in full time employment is 68% while the rate of CSU graduates is 80%. CSU is ranked second out of 40 institutions.
Bachelor Salaries The AGS results show median annual salaries for bachelor degree graduates who are Australian citizens and permanent residents in full-time employment in Australia at the time of the survey . The national median graduate salary is $55,000 while the median salary for CSU graduates is $58,971. CSU is ranked ninth out of 40 institutions.