The information network on education in Europe Key Data on Education Thematic reports Page of presentation
In 2006 and 2007, Eurydice and Eurostat will produce two joint thematic reports: Key Data on Higher Education (new) Key Data on Teaching Languages (2nd edition)
Key Data on Higher Education (New)
This publication will be a source of information for: Higher education (and its social dimension) is at the very top of the political agenda (Bologna and Lisbon process). This publication will be a source of information for: The EU Commission, Policy makers (EU and Bologna Ministerial meeting in May 2007)
Eurostat Eurydice X SOURCE Reference year 2003/04 Reference year THEMATIC STRUCTURE Eurostat Reference year 2003/04 Eurydice Reference year 2005/06 Participation X Mobility Financing Graduates Academic staff Organisation Decision making process
Timetable January to March 2006: draft of Eurydice questionnaires March 2006: availability of Eurostat data and indicators. April to May 2006: Eurydice data collection Draft on Eurostat indicators. June to August 2006: Analysis of Eurydice information (draft) and check of Eurostat part. September 2006: Draft available to the European Commission. October 2006: Finalisation and reading of the complete report December 2006 (or January 2007): Publication
Key Data on Teaching Languages (2nd Edition)
Update of Key data on Teaching Languages planned in the 2007 work programme of Eurydice: Eurydice: reference year 2006/2007 Eurostat: which reference year ?
Eurostat: which reference year ? Option n°1 To use data on languages from UOE 2006 (reference year 2004/05) Option n°2: To adapt the UOE 2007 data collection timetable in order to use languages data on reference year 2005/06
Would it be possible to modify the calendar of the language learning data collection in order to get the most updated data in 2007? When is it possible to get the most updated data in 2007?
Before June 2006, Eurydice will come back to the ETS WG with a short questionnaire to study the feasibility to adapt the deadline of the UOE 2007 language questionnaire.
TO SUM UP Key Data on Higher Education: 2003/2004 reference year, all UOE data available in march 2006 at the latest. Key Data on Teaching Languages: Feasibility to adapt the timetable of UOE2007 data collection on languages?