Washing feet was a lowly, menial task regarded as slave’s work


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Presentation transcript:

Washing feet was a lowly, menial task regarded as slave’s work There was no servant assigned to wash feet at this feast, and no one dared to do it Jesus quietly put on a slave’s apron and humbly stooped to wash feet (13:4-5) What about us? Are we willing to serve no matter WHAT it is? Are we willing to perform the lowliest of tasks? Are we willing to do the most demeaning service?

Jesus washed feet when He knew “His hour had come” (13:1) Jesus washed feet when no one else was serving (everyone was eating) (13:2) Jesus washed feet when He knew “His hour had come” (13:1) In His FINAL hours before His death (13:33), Jesus was serving…thinking of others and not Himself What about us? Are we willing to serve no matter WHEN it is? Are we willing to serve when it is inconvenient? Are we willing to serve even when no one else is?

No matter WHO is doing the serving Jesus is divine, Teacher, Lord & Master (13:3, 13-16) Still, He stooped to wash His disciples’ feet No one is greater than Jesus (13:16) No matter WHO is being served Jesus washed Peter’s feet (13:6-9, 36-38) Jesus washed Judas’ feet (13:2, 11, 18, 21, 25-30) What about us? Are we willing to serve no matter WHO we are? Are we willing to serve no matter WHO we serve? Do we think ourselves above certain brethren?

By believing Jesus is God’s Son – John 3:16 By repenting of your sins – Luke 13:3 By confessing your faith – Matthew 10:32 By being immersed into Christ – Acts 2:38 God will cleanse you of all sin – Acts 22:16 God will add you to His church – Acts 2:47 God will enroll you in heaven – Hebrews 12:23 By living a faithful life – 1 John 1:7