Weak Twos Why should we play weak 2’s ? Which hand do we pick up more often ? With hand b) we have six card suit and unless we put a Club with our Spades we cannot do very much With hand a) we have a traditional Acol Strong two But we would love to bid !!!!
Weak TWO Opening bids allows us to open with this hand and MANY MANY more like it We open 2 and partner will know :- a) We have a six card suit b) We have precisely 6- 10 points c) We have Made an IMMEDIATE LIMIT BID d) We have Made a DISRUPTIVE NUISANCE BID ie we have made a lower level PRE-EMPT e) Who makes all the decisions now ? ? PARTNER DOES - partner is captain of the auction since you made the limit bid
What do we open on all these hands ? OR Bare 6 points great suit Bare 6 points not great suit OR OR Best quality 2 bid- solid suit Good 8 points great suit Good 9 points not great suit
What does partner do after you make your weak 2 bid ? if he has very good 15/16 points he will probably bid 4 or 4 straight away raising 2 to 4
B) he may just pass if he has very little Pass to the 2 opener
C) He may make a pre-emptive bid and rush to 4 or 4 to further disrupt the opposition Raise the 2 opener to 4
He now needs to know exactly what partner OR He may not be sure what to do next as he has an invitational hand that might be good for Game if partner has the right 9/10 points so he needs to find out more He now needs to know exactly what partner has and makes an enquiry as follows :-
Partner tell me more He BIDS 2NT which is a BLUE CLUB ENQUIRY also called OGUST and it works as follows :- a) 3 = I have BAD POINTS and BAD SUIT b) 3 = I have BAD POINTS but GOOD SUIT c) 3 = I have GOOD POINTS but BAD SUIT d) 3 = I have GOOD POINTS and GOOD SUIT e) 3NT = I have solid suit AKQ to six
OR OR OR 3 Bare 6 points great suit 3 Bare 6 points not great suit 3 = I have BAD POINTS and BAD SUIT 3 = I have BAD POINTS but GOOD SUIT 3 = I have GOOD POINTS but BAD SUIT 3 = I have GOOD POINTS and GOOD SUIT 3 NT = I have solid suit AKQ to six OR 3 Bare 6 points great suit 3 Bare 6 points not great suit OR OR 3 Good 9 points not great suit 3 Good 8 points great suit 3NT Best quality 2 bid- solid suit
DISRUPTION, DISRUPTION, Now that you are playing Weak TWOS why not play weak Jump overcalls too ?? Therefore when you pick up this hand and Right Hand Opponent opens 1 Bid 2 immediately and be an unfriendly opponent That’s what weak Two openers and Overcalling is all about DISRUPTION, DISRUPTION, DISRUPTION,