Improvers Week 8 Review Suit Bidding (Part 1)
Review Suit Bidding (Part 1) 75% of good results are down to getting the bidding right 75% of good results are down to getting the bidding right 25% is how you play the cards once in the right contract 25% is how you play the cards once in the right contract If you bid to the wrong contract a bad result is likely If you bid to the wrong contract a bad result is likely We will look at what our suit bids mean We will look at what our suit bids mean 5 parts – interspersed with other lessons 5 parts – interspersed with other lessons
Review Suit Bidding (Part 1) Much will be reviews Much will be reviews Of what you know Of what you know Or perhaps have forgotten? Or perhaps have forgotten? This week This week Opening suit bids Opening suit bids Responses Responses The Easy bits! The Easy bits!
Bidding Objective Each bid should tell partner more about your hand Each bid should tell partner more about your hand Making the position clearer! Making the position clearer! Some bids are weak Some bids are weak Some strong and forcing Some strong and forcing Important to recognise these!
Opening Bids If I open 1what does this tell you? If I open 1 what does this tell you? About 12+ HCP About 12+ HCP But remember rule of 20 But remember rule of 20 Up to about 19 HCP Up to about 19 HCP 4+ s 4+ s Not HCP and balanced Not HCP and balanced (I would have opened 1NT) (I would have opened 1NT) The same for any 1 of a suit opening The same for any 1 of a suit opening
Opening Bids If I open 2 what does this tell you? If I open 2 what does this tell you? Strong hand Strong hand 8 winners 8 winners Probably HCP Probably HCP 5+ s 5+ s Not HCP and balanced Not HCP and balanced Forcing – you MUST respond Forcing – you MUST respond The same for 2 and 2 The same for 2 and 2 You MUST announce Strong, Forcing You MUST announce Strong, Forcing
Opening Bids If I open 2 what does this tell you? If I open 2 what does this tell you? Very strong hand Very strong hand 23+ HCP 23+ HCP Or 10 winners Or 10 winners Forcing bid Forcing bid Which you MUST Alert Which you MUST Alert You must respond and bid to game You must respond and bid to game Nothing about Nothing about
Opening Bids If I open 3+ what does this tell you? If I open 3+ what does this tell you? Weak hand Weak hand 5-9 HCP 5-9 HCP 7 s 7 s I expect to make 7 tricks vul or 6 non-vul I expect to make 7 tricks vul or 6 non-vul I do not have a 4 card major I do not have a 4 card major This was a pre-emptive bid This was a pre-emptive bid
Opening Suit Bids Summary Summary 1 level is normal opening 1 level is normal opening 2 level is strong 2 level is strong 3+ level is weak and pre-emptive 3+ level is weak and pre-emptive
Responses to 1 of a suit You have opened 1 You have opened 1 I have responded 1 I have responded 1 What does this show? What does this show? 6+ HCP 6+ HCP 4+ s 4+ s After a 1 of a suit bid a response of 1 of another suit shows 4+ of the suit bid and 6+ HCP. It may be a strong or weak bid. After a 1 of a suit bid a response of 1 of another suit shows 4+ of the suit bid and 6+ HCP. It may be a strong or weak bid.
Responses to 1 of a suit You have opened 1 You have opened 1 I have responded 1NT I have responded 1NT What does this show? What does this show? 6-9 HCP 6-9 HCP <4 s <4 s A limit bid A limit bid A 1NT response to a 1 of a suit bid denies a 4 card suit above openers and shows a specific point count of 6-9 A 1NT response to a 1 of a suit bid denies a 4 card suit above openers and shows a specific point count of 6-9
Responses to 1 of a suit You have opened 1 You have opened 1 I have responded 2NT I have responded 2NT What does this show? What does this show? HCP HCP <4 s <4 s 4333 shape 4333 shape A limit bid A limit bid A 2NT response to a 1 of a suit bid denies a 4 card major, shows a specific point count of and very balanced shape A 2NT response to a 1 of a suit bid denies a 4 card major, shows a specific point count of and very balanced shape
Responses to 1 of a suit You have opened 1 You have opened 1 I have responded 3NT I have responded 3NT What does this show? What does this show? 13+ HCP 13+ HCP <4 s <4 s 4333 shape 4333 shape A limit bid A limit bid A 3NT response to a 1 of a suit bid denies a 4 card major, shows a specific point count of 13+ and very balanced shape A 3NT response to a 1 of a suit bid denies a 4 card major, shows a specific point count of 13+ and very balanced shape
Responses to 1 of a suit You have opened 1 You have opened 1 I have responded 2 I have responded 2 What does this show? What does this show? 4+ s 4+ s 10+ HCP 10+ HCP <4 s <4 s A 2 level response of a suit below openers shows 10+HCP and denies a 4 card major above openers suit A 2 level response of a suit below openers shows 10+HCP and denies a 4 card major above openers suit
Responses to 1 of a suit You have opened 1 You have opened 1 I have responded 2 I have responded 2 What does this show? What does this show? 4+ s 4+ s 6-9 HCP 6-9 HCP A 2 level response in openers major shows a fit but a weak hand allowing opener to go on if strong or pass if weak A 2 level response in openers major shows a fit but a weak hand allowing opener to go on if strong or pass if weak
Responses to 1 of a suit You have opened 1 You have opened 1 I have responded 2 I have responded 2 What does this show? What does this show? 4+ s 4+ s 6-9 HCP 6-9 HCP No 4 card major No 4 card major A 2 level response in openers minor shows a fit with a weak hand and nothing of interest to say. Opener usually passes. A 2 level response in openers minor shows a fit with a weak hand and nothing of interest to say. Opener usually passes.
Responses to 1 of a suit You have opened 1 You have opened 1 I have responded 3 I have responded 3 What does this show? What does this show? 4+ s 4+ s 10+ HCP 10+ HCP A 3 level response in openers major shows a fit and is invitational to game. Opener should Pass minimum and bid game with a bit more A 3 level response in openers major shows a fit and is invitational to game. Opener should Pass minimum and bid game with a bit more
Responses to 1 of a suit You have opened 1 You have opened 1 I have responded 4 I have responded 4 What does this show? What does this show? 5+ s 5+ s <10 HCP <10 HCP A 4 level response in openers major shows a good fit and is pre-emptive with a weakish hand. Opener passes unless very strong with slam interest A 4 level response in openers major shows a good fit and is pre-emptive with a weakish hand. Opener passes unless very strong with slam interest
Responses to 1 of a suit You have opened 1 You have opened 1 I have responded 2 I have responded 2 What does this show? What does this show? Good 5+ s Good 5+ s 16+ HCP 16+ HCP A Jump Shift A Jump Shift A Jump Shift response is a bid 1 level higher than could have been bid and shows a strong hand A Jump Shift response is a bid 1 level higher than could have been bid and shows a strong hand
Responses to 1 of a suit You have opened 1 You have opened 1 I have responded 3 I have responded 3 What does this show? What does this show? 5+ s 5+ s 16+ HCP 16+ HCP A Jump Shift A Jump Shift A Jump Shift is forcing to Game A Jump Shift is forcing to Game
Responses to 2/2/2 Responses to 2 /2 /2 You have opened 2 You have opened 2 I have responded 2NT I have responded 2NT What does this show? What does this show? <8 HCP <8 HCP If partner opens a strong 2 and you have less than 8 HCP you MUST give the negative response of 2NT. If partner opens a strong 2 and you have less than 8 HCP you MUST give the negative response of 2NT. Even with 0 HCP!! Even with 0 HCP!! You announced Strong, Forcing You announced Strong, Forcing
Responses to 2/2/2 Responses to 2 /2 /2 You have opened 2 You have opened 2 I have responded 2 I have responded 2 What does this show? What does this show? 8+ HCP 8+ HCP 4+ s 4+ s After a strong 2 opener any response except 2NT is natural and shows 8+ HCP. After a strong 2 opener any response except 2NT is natural and shows 8+ HCP. This bid is forcing to game with slam interest This bid is forcing to game with slam interest
Responses to 2 Responses to 2 You have opened 2 You have opened 2 I have responded 2 I have responded 2 What does this show? What does this show? <8 HCP <8 HCP If partner opens 2 and you have less than 8 HCP you MUST give the negative response of 2. If partner opens 2 and you have less than 8 HCP you MUST give the negative response of 2.
Responses to 2 Responses to 2 You have opened 2 You have opened 2 I have responded 2 I have responded 2 What does this show? What does this show? 8+ HCP 8+ HCP 4+ s 4+ s If partner opens 2 and you have 8+ HCP you should respond with a bid other than 2. Your response is natural and should show your best suit or shape. If partner opens 2 and you have 8+ HCP you should respond with a bid other than 2. Your response is natural and should show your best suit or shape.
Responses to 3+ of a suit You have opened 3 You have opened 3 I have responded 3NT I have responded 3NT What does this show? What does this show? 3+ s 3+ s Stops in other suits Stops in other suits After a 3 level pre-empt a 3NT response is an attempt to make game by using partners long suit. Opener MUST pass. After a 3 level pre-empt a 3NT response is an attempt to make game by using partners long suit. Opener MUST pass.
Responses to 3+ of a suit You have opened 3 You have opened 3 I have responded 4 I have responded 4 What does this show? What does this show? 2+ s 2+ s Pre-emptive Pre-emptive After a pre-empt a raise in openers suit is itself pre-emptive. It is not looking for game and opener should pass. After a pre-empt a raise in openers suit is itself pre-emptive. It is not looking for game and opener should pass.
Responses to 3+ of a suit You have opened 3 You have opened 3 I have responded 3 I have responded 3 What does this show? What does this show? 6+ s 6+ s 17+ HCP 17+ HCP After a pre-emptive opening a response in another suit is strong showing 6+ cards in the suit. After a pre-emptive opening a response in another suit is strong showing 6+ cards in the suit.
Summary This lesson is a scene setter This lesson is a scene setter Future weeks will look at re-bids by both opener and responder Future weeks will look at re-bids by both opener and responder Huge subject – 4 more lessons! Huge subject – 4 more lessons! Remember Remember Each Bid should make the position clearer to partner! Each Bid should make the position clearer to partner!