Stakeholder Event: Local Authority Commissioners of Advice Services Glasgow, 13th January 2019 Andrew McGuire, Improvement Service
About the Improvement Service National improvement body for local government in Scotland Not-for-profit, non-political, local govt owned and controlled Small IS core budget; bulk of funding external and project-specific Extensive work programme in CPPs / wider partnership context Principal focus in driving and supporting transformation aimed at improving outcomes, reducing costs, promoting preventative approaches, tackling poverty & inequalities Close working relationships with Councils, SOLACE, COSLA, wider range of national and local partners Collaborative, outcomes-focused, client-centred approach
Examples of IS activities / Core areas of focus Identifying / disseminating good practice Promoting partnership working and collaboration – local regional, national Analysis, research, evaluation Co-ordination of wide range of networks, etc Performance management & benchmarking Innovation / Digital Providing constructive challenge and support Change Management / Transformation
IS Advice Outcomes Project Funded by Money Advice Service for past 5 yrs Overseen by Advisory Board with membership from across Scotland’s key advice sector stakeholders 3 FTE project staff – plus range of IS in-kind support Working across all of Scotland Focus of project has continued to evolve since inception Current project contract ends 31/3/19 – In discussion with Scot Govt to explore potential future joint working
Common Advice Performance Management Reporting Framework 2017-18 published report – Some Key Facts Returns submitted by local authorities for most recent full financial year 94,336 new clients 51% with a disability / 55% income <£10,000 p.a / 25% were in work Councils invest significant funding in advice services - £25.8m p.a. 486 council FTE staff, 386 external FTE, 412 volunteer FTE ROI - £1: £21 Key Message: Advice Services are effectively targeting many of the poorest people in Scotland and represent excellent VFM.... ….But!
Challenges Ongoing public funding squeeze - pressure for further savings Highlighted by extent of Advice Services reviews 8.3% overall reduction in SG funding for LG over past 7 yrs But effective ‘ringfencing’ has meant certain services disproportionately affected and experiencing much more significant reductions Wide range of external drivers leading to increased service demand e.g. UC roll-out; Brexit uncertainties impacting economy, future tax take, etc Significant levels of currently unmet need Overall funding and provision is overly-complex, patchy, short-termist and fragile Scale of challenges requires creative thinking / ambitious solutions Key Message: Despite successes, much more needs to be done!
Opportunities Significant cross-sectoral commitment to tackling poverty & inequalities Levy funding now devolved to Scot Govt – opportunity to shape most effective use of resource and join-up across government and others Strengthen co-ordination across funders Service transformation opportunities: Re-design delivery of services around needs of clients Use of technology to extend reach and efficiencies (currently 60% face-to-face) Exploring new models of service planning and delivery Developing evidence base on most effective models Key Message – There is an opportunity to reshape services in a way that extends reach and enhances impact
Summary Advice Services are absolutely critical for tackling poverty and inequalities At their most effective, they can provide a conduit for accessing a wide range of public and third sector services But Advice Services are under severe pressure Addressing the Challenges & Opportunities will require all partners to work together to embrace change under a clear vision for future provision and enhancing impact Developing such a clear vision for the future of Scotland’s advice services will require effective and joined-up leadership from across central and local government, third sector and others who have a contribution to make