Chapter 16 Slavery Divides the Nation Section 1 Slavery in the Territories.
I. Missouri Compromise A. 1819- 11 free states and 11 slaves. Missouri applies for statehood as a slave state. 1. Missouri ‘s admission would give the South a majority in Senate. 2. Northerners opposed letting MO enter as a slave state B. Senator Henry Clay made a proposal that would be known as the Missouri Compromise 1. Due to length of argument, Maine now applied for statehood 2. Maine applied as a free state. 3. Admit them both- 1 free and 1 slave, so that balance is maintained C. As part of the compromise, an imaginary line would be drawn across the southern border of MO. South=slaves North= no slaves ( exception MO, could have slaves)
II. Slavery in the West Mexican War added Texas to the US. Question of slavery in the new territory arose Texas, after gaining independence from Mexico, attempted to be its own country. 1. Problems they experienced included: a. Mexico still considered TX part of their country b. Texas was nearly bankrupt c. Indian tribes threatened to attack small TX communities 2. To solve problems, they believed best idea was to join US
B. David Wilmot, introduced a proposal, Known as Wilmot Proposal, that would ban slavery in any land acquired from Mexico 1. Southerners protested-Congress had no right to ban 2. House passed it and the Senate defeated it. Argument continued
III. Opposing views A. Abolitionists wanted slavery banned all over US III. Opposing views A. Abolitionists wanted slavery banned all over US. B. Southern slaveholders thought slavery should be allowed and that slaves who went North should be returned. C. Moderate view- 1. MO Compromise line should extend all the way to Pacific ocean. North of the line-free states, south of line allow slavery 2. Others supported popular sovereignty- voters decides whether to allow slavery or not
A. Debate over issue of slavery led formation of a new political party IV. Free-soil Party A. Debate over issue of slavery led formation of a new political party B. Called Free Soil party-main goal was to keep slavery out of the western territories (people from Whigs and Democrats) C. Election of 1848 had 3 people running Whigs- Zachary Taylor, Democrats- Lewis Cass and Martin Van Buren for free soil party D.. Zachary Taylor won the election. He appealed to both slave and free states. Free-soil party did not win the Presidency. But, candidates won seats in Congress (slavery had become a national Issue)