Qualifications Equipment Roles of Club Members
Regulator Open Water Fins Pool Fins Mask Snorkel Suits Cylinder Stab Jacket Dive Computer More
Knives Weights Belts Torches Back
Elementary Open Water Diver Club Diver Dive Leader Dive Supervisor Dive Master
Chairman Vice Chairman Dive Officer Training Officer Equipment officer Secretary Treasurer
Back Cylinders are designed to hold compressed air between 232 to 300 bar they must be handled with care, All Cylinders have a pillar valve which allows air to pass through.
TP-Test pressure WP-Working Pressure WC-Water capacity Serial Number Weight Date of manufacture Test Date (British standard or CE mark) Back
Cylinder Markings Cylinders Back
There are many different types of BCD, But the basic ones are made to Keep you buoyant and Hold a cylinder they also dump air. Any air that is inserted at depth into the BCD will expand at the surface. Back
The main type of Dive Computer will tell you your maximum depth, Time under water, current depth, When entering decompression, Water temperature and when you can dive next. Back
Wet suit Semi-dry suit Dry suit Back
A Wet suit is designed to let a small amount of water between you and the suit to keep you warm.
Back A semi-dry Suit is designed to let less water in than a wet suit because of the seals around the ankles, neck and wrists.
Membrane Dry suit Neoprene Dry suit Back
A Membrane Dry suit is Designed to keep you dry and warm. The neck and wrist seals are made from rubber which do not let water in.
Back A Neoprene Dry suit is Designed to keep you dry and warm. The Neck and Wrists seals are made from neoprene. The buoyancy will change at depth.
A Mask is Designed to give you an air space between the Divers eyes and water to enable the Diver to see, But a Mask must fit comfortably. Back
Open water Fins are designed to be warn with boots, When purchasing Fins it is recommended to try them on over your boots. Back
Shoe fins are designed for swimming pools ect..And when Purchasing the same size of your feet.
Back 1st Stage 2nd Stage The 1 st stage reduces the pressure from the cylinder to 8-10 bar above water pressure. The 2 nd stage gives air on demand at what ever depth he/she is at.
Snorkel's are designed for swimming on the surface without removing your head from the water and also you will save air in your cylinder. Back
A knife is designed for emergency if you get your self caught on something. It should be kept Sharp.
Back A weight Belt is designed for overcoming buoyancy in his/her Dry suit, The amount of weight is different for every one.
Back A torch will help when diving because the deeper you go the darker it becomes and also there will be colour loss to solve this use a torch.
Back The Elementary Diver is trained for the pool,But has no experience for open water. When training for open water he/she should be accompanied by a Dive Leader or above.
Back An Elementary Diver with open water experience. He/She Should be accompanied by Dive Leader or above.
Back A Club diver is a Open water Diver With More Experience and Improved Skills. A Club Diver may Dive With other club Divers or above.
Back A Dive Leader may Dive with any one who is qualified to any standard and has additional skills.
Back A Dive Supervisor has more experience and can organize and lead a Dive for the club.
Back A Dive Master has to pass National Exams and can organize underwater projects.
This is Alan he is Chairman for Stockton divers, The Chairman Promotes the club. Back
This is Bryn he is Vice Chairman for Stockton Divers, The Vice Chairman takes the role of the chairman when he is absent. Back
This is Neil he is the Dive Officer for Stockton Divers, The Dive officer organizes Dives, Training and safety matters. Back
This is Robin he is the training officer for Stockton Divers, The Training Officer organizes training for trainees. Back
This is Shirley she is the Treasurer for Stockton Divers, The Treasurer deals with money and insurance. Back
This is Peter he is the equipment Officer for Stockton Divers, The Equipment Officer Looks after and fixes the equipment.
This is Barbara she is the Secretary for Stockton Divers, The Secretary organizes meetings and deals with enquiries. Back