Focused Activity areas Better Mobility Road Safety Environment Impact Ass. & HMI Traveler Information Road Pricing V2I / ISA Cooperative Green Car Transit Urban Traffic Research Support eSafety Suit
1.ITS BI Center 2. Coordination Center 3.Analysis Center : 4. Integration Center 5. FOT Center: 6. Public awareness Green Car TransitUrban Traffic Research Support eSafety Suit ITS Israel 5 Integrated Projects Integrated Large scale IVDR DC Integrated ADAS Sui t ITS Israel application network TM Multi modal Transit Data Integrated Road pricing scheme
ITS Israel Projects (2010) Traffic Data for Urban road users. Assessment of QoI of Traffic data suppliers. ISA- Intelligent Speed Alert. ITS Application Network Intelligent Road intersection Intelligent crosswalk ( with active road studs installed) Assessment of Green box effectiveness. Driver drowsiness alert –FOT & lab tests. Cooperative Intersection.