GEORGETOWN COUNTY STORMWATER DIVISION Breakfast Series #4 Top Ten Stormwater Ordinance Modifications February 4, 2009
BACKGROUND EVENTS 2003-MS4 Set to go; Delayed by Law Suit 2005-Law Suit Settled 2006-Construction General Permit & MS GC SW Ordinance 2007-GC Suits DHEC/OCRM Sept 07-MS4 Approves Plans for DHEC 2008-GC & DHEC/OCRM Settle Sept 08-GC Directed to Approve Plans in MS4 Feb 11-GC Approves Plans for DHEC in MS4
MIN MS4-2011
WHY MODIFICATIONS Makes Ordinance Parallel State Regs Make as Simple as Possible Removes Conflicts General Clean-up
TOP 10 MODIFICATIONS Water/Wetlands Quality Permitting of SW Construction Discharges Storm Water Pollution Preventions Plans Transferring Permit to Another Party O&M Manual for Permanent SW Facilities Notice of Termination Record Drawings Post Construction Requirements Illicit Discharges Civil Penalties
WATER/WETLANDS QUALITY TMDLs-Chemicals of Concern Commercial, Industrial, Institution & Residential Water Quality Buffers Filling of Wetland without Permitting
PERMITTING of SW COSTRUCTION DISCHARGES Who needs a Permit Notice of Intent (NOI) Content and Req. Issuance of Permit
PERMIT FLOW NOI, SWPPP, and Plans to County County Reviews Conditional Letter of Approval (CLA) NOI, CLA and $ Check to OCRM OCRM Issues Permit Coverage Permit Coverage to County County Issues County Permit
CONDITIONAL LETTER of APPROVAL A review of the referenced project has been completed and the project meets the requirements of the Georgetown County Stormwater Ordinance. Due to additional permits needed such as the DHEC/OCRM Costal Zone Consistency Certification, DHEC/OCRM NPDES General Permit coverage letter and the SCDOT Highway Encroach Permit, conditional approval is given at this time. A review of the referenced project has been completed and the project meets the requirements of the Georgetown County Stormwater Ordinance. Due to additional permits needed such as the DHEC/OCRM Costal Zone Consistency Certification, DHEC/OCRM NPDES General Permit coverage letter and the SCDOT Highway Encroach Permit, conditional approval is given at this time. After the other approvals/permits have been obtained, please provide copies to the Stormwater Division. At that time, Georgetown County Stormwater Division will issue the permit. Land disturbing activities shall not commence until NPDES Permit Coverage and Georgetown County Stormwater Permit has been granted. After the other approvals/permits have been obtained, please provide copies to the Stormwater Division. At that time, Georgetown County Stormwater Division will issue the permit. Land disturbing activities shall not commence until NPDES Permit Coverage and Georgetown County Stormwater Permit has been granted. If we can be of further service, please let us know. If we can be of further service, please let us know. Sincerely Sincerely
STORM WATER POLLUTIONS PLANS Breakfast Series No.3 Topic Template CDs are available upon request Requirement for all sites 1 acre and greater For applicable sites: no SWPPP, no permit THIS IS NOT A SWPPP!
SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Transferring Permit to Another Party Notice of Termination Record Drawings O&M Manual
POST CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS O&M Manual for Permanent SW Facilities InspectionsSampling Water Quality Violations
ILLICIT DISCHARGES Outfall Inventory MarinersBoats Swimming Pools
CIVIL PENALTIES Non-Payment of Fines –Issue Magistrate Summons –Appear Before Magistrate –Magistrate Decides and Orders Payment
RECAP Mods are Mostly Administrated Reg Mods Geared for MS4 Remainder of County
TOP CARRY-OVERS Financial Guarantees Stop Work Orders Appeals Charges and Fees Storm Water Design Manuel Public Review and Comment Variances
QUESTIONS Georgetown County Stormwater Division 120 Broad Street Georgetown, SC