Steve Petch Sunday 10 th June 2012 Faith, Patience and Attitude John 4 v 43 – 5 v 18.


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Presentation transcript:

Steve Petch Sunday 10 th June 2012 Faith, Patience and Attitude John 4 v 43 – 5 v 18

God has given us some amazing promises in the Bible: Eternal life He is always with us Provision His Love These promises sometimes come with conditions Faith, Patience and Attitude

God may also give us personal promises over our own lives: Internal sense of calling Prophecy Scripture These promises also sometimes come with conditions Faith, Patience and Attitude

Hebrews 6 v 12: We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. Faith, Patience and Attitude

Faith (John 4 v 43 – 54): Believing that what God says is true, is true Being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see (Heb 11v1-2) Faith grows through different levels We need faith to inherit the promises of God Faith, Patience and Attitude

Faith (John 4 v 43 – 54): How much faith do we need to move a mountain? What has God said over your life? Where are you at with faith concerning that promise? Faith, Patience and Attitude

Hebrews 6 v 12: We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. Faith, Patience and Attitude

Patience (John 5 v 1 – 15): God uses patience to develop our character We must be careful not to try to force Gods hand God has a timing for his promises Faith, Patience and Attitude

Patience (John 5 v 1 – 15): What promises are you waiting for God to fulfil? How is God growing your character as you wait? Faith, Patience and Attitude

Hebrews 6 v 12: We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. Faith, Patience and Attitude

Attitude (John 5 v 16-18): God must be free to be God in our lives His timing may not suit you The detail may not suit you Gods calling is not guaranteed to be easy! Faith, Patience and Attitude

Hebrews 6 v 12: We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. Faith, Patience and Attitude

Steve Petch Sunday 10 th June 2012 Faith, Patience and Attitude John 4 v 43 – 5 v 18