Ocean’s affect on Weather


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Presentation transcript:

Ocean’s affect on Weather Sea Breezes & Hurricanes

Sea Breezes

Cause: The Sun’s energy heats the Earth unevenly. Land heats up faster than the water in the ocean.

Cause: The warmth of the land heats the air above it causing the warmed air to rise. Cooler air above the ocean moves in over the land to take the place of the warmed air that rose upward.

Cause: As the warm air rises it begins to cool. The water vapor in the warm air condenses to form clouds. The cooled air sinks back towards the Earth.

Sea Breeze

Effect: A convection current is created in the atmosphere over the ocean and land. This creates a sea breeze or wind blowing in towards the land from the ocean. Water vapor in the air condenses forming clouds.


Cause: #1 - Ocean provides warm, moist air that rises. #2 - Winds coming toward each other spiral & force the air upward.

Cause: #3 - Winds at the top flow outward above the storm allowing air from below to rise #4 - Humid air rises & makes the storm clouds #5 - Light winds outside the hurricane steer it and let it grow

Convection Current

Effect: Convection currents within the storm Hurricanes start off of the west coast of Africa They move counter clockwise towards the Gulf of Mexico or the east coast of America

North America Africa

Question??? What forms when warm air rises, cools, & sinks back down only to be warmed up again (creating a cycle)?

Answer... convectio n current

Question??? Can convection currents form in different states of matter?

Answer... Ye s!

(ex.- solid)

(ex.- liquid)

(ex.- gas)

Question??? Can you find the example that we have in our room?

Answer... the lava lamp!