EFF Factor Training Program IV. Responsibilities of Department Admin Part One Creation of Projects & Estimates (for Dept. Admin, Dept Head & Admin)
In this Example: Prashant Bhosale-Department Admin Click Here Click on Departments And Go to that Department under which you want to create a new project Example: SC
Select Customer from Dropdown List Click on New Project. Click Here Select Customer from Dropdown List Click Here Click Here And Add Job Name by clicking on +Quick add Job template (Assuming that a ready Job Template is not available) 1001 Similar Job done for Nirmal Enterprises took 2 Days. Enter Job Name & Click on OK You may use this space for recording any relevant Information in respect of the job Fill in the rest of the Fields And Click on Save Button Click Here
Got to the next page by clicking on continue to project NOTE: This page is useful when projects are created from job template and some task are required to removed for that project.
PROJECT PAGE: After click on continue to project button you get a new completely blank project with the information filled earlier like: Customer Name Job Name Title Summary Start Date & End Date
and to Add task click on Add a new task to this project Every project i.e. job should have one or more task/s to capture logs from the employees, Select Option First and to Add task click on Add a new task to this project All work Enter Task Name & Instruction And Click on Save button You may use this space for recording any specific instruction in respect of the Task After Saving, “Task gets created ” Click Here NOTE: In the similar way, we have created another project (Max Solutions PQR 1002). Click Here
and to Add task click on Add a new task to this project In this project we will prepare 2 tasks and assign employees to the tasks respectively. and to Add task click on Add a new task to this project Select Option First Task 1 Enter Task Name & Instruction And Click on Save button Repeat the same process as before to add one more task You may use this space for recording any specific instruction in respect of the Task Click Here And after saving the two tasks get created Click Here
Now, we will create Budget by assigning employees to the tasks Select the employee from the dropdown List Enter the no. of days within which the task is expected to be completed And then Finally click on Save Button Click here One can assign multiple employees to a single task in a similar way. Repeat the same process as before for assigning employees to Task 2. Observe that the summary table on the top is also getting updated.
Estimates In this Example: Prashant Bhosale-Department Admin Click Here Click on Departments And Go to that Department under which you want to create an Estimate Example: SC
Fill in the rest of fields & click on Save Button Click on +New Estimate. Select Customer & Job from Dropdown List(Assuming that Job Templates are already created) Click Here Click Here Click here Fill in the rest of fields & click on Save Button 1004 Click Here New Contract Fees agreed Rs.30,000 (Appointment Letter dated 21st Jan 2018) Click Here 2018-01-21 2018-01-26 Click Here
Estimates Allocations After click on save button in estimate creation above you get a new completely blank estimate with no Budget(assignment of employee) Select the Users (Employee) from the Drop Down Box and Enter the no. of days within which the task is expected to be completed Click Here 1 Click Here One can assign Multiple Employees to a single task After clicking on Convert to project You see the list of task & option to Remove a redundant task if any and then click Continue to project Repeat the same process as before to assign employees to other tasks One can modify the assignment by using edit, delete or Remove Task After being satisfied click on Convert to Project and the estimates gets converted into project with a copy left behind to use again
Wherever a job with more or less similar employee allocations is repeated for different customers or same customer for different contracts - You can use the same estimate next time by changing title or for any other client by changing customer name. You can also edit or delete assignments as well as contents in the summary before conversion to project
(Creation of Projects & Estimates) Best Practices (Creation of Projects & Estimates)