The Mysterious forest By: Delaney Collazo Click here to continue
How To Play Well first you should know that you are the character in this story. You will be able to make your own decisions from the choices given. Second, this is how you can continue the story when you make your choice. At the bottom there will be 1 , 2 , or even 3 choices. Click on one of the highlighted choices, (if there are no choices click on the back round ) Remember you get to choose what one you want to do, LAST but not least HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!! CLICK here to start
The lake You wake up and don’t know where you are. You look down and find yourself chained to a raft. You realize you are on a lake. You look around. You see a forest in front of you. To the left you see a cave in the side of a mountain. Suddenly you are lifted up into the air. You look down and don’t see anything. You start to move towards the shore of the forest. CONTINUE
The shore of the forest GO ON THE PATH GO DOWN THE BEACH You get to the shore of the forest. You are dropped down. You look back to see what brought you here. You don’t see anything except for the moving water. You try to get free of the chains but they have already disappeared. You get up and walk around, trying to figure out where you are. After a few minutes, you figure out that the only way to get out of here was to find help. You look around, you see a path leading into the forest, and something shining down the beach. You have a choice, go on the path or do down the beach. GO DOWN THE BEACH GO ON THE PATH
The Path You decided to go to the right following the path. You stop when you come to some strange tracks in the dirt. You look up when you hear a rustling sound. Run or Hide? Hide Run
Running You decided to run. You are running as fast as you can when you hear a voice yell,”Noooooooooooo!” To late you fall into a deep, dark, damp, HOLE CONTINUE
The Hole You look up. You don’t see daylight. You assume you are 20 ft under ground just from the fall you took. You start to feel your way around the hole. You find a path ahead of you. GO FORWARD
You walk forward, you hear a rumbling noise from behind you You walk forward, you hear a rumbling noise from behind you. You look back to find a giant boulder blocking the way you came in. you look around the cave the path brought you to and see there’s no way out. SORRY you DIE CLICK HERE TO START AGAIN
BUSHES You hide in the bushes. When the rustling noise is gone you try to get up but you can’t. something has grabbed hold of your leg. It pulls you into the river. Sorry you DIE CLICK HERE TO PLAY AGAIN.
bushes Hide Climb up a tree You have chosen to hide. Climb up a tree or hide in the bushes? Climb up a tree bushes
Climb Go down Climb higher You climb up a tree. When the rustling noise is gone you look down and see a orange cat come out of the bushes. You look up and see a birds nest. Climb up higher to see the birds nest, or go down and meet the cat. Go down Climb higher
The climb CLIMB INTO THE NEST You climb higher and higher into the tree. You keep climbing for awhile until the birds nest is closer. You spot a little branch on the left. You step on it and try to lift yourself on a branch above you. You heave and pull until you are on the branch above. You are in a spot just high enough to get into the nest. CLIMB INTO THE NEST
The Beach You walk down the beach towards the shiny thing. you suddenly stop when you hear a grumbling noise from inside a cave. The shiny thing is just a little further. Go to find the shiny thing or go explore the cave to find the noise. FIND THE SHINY THING EXPLORE THE CAVE
THE CAVE You walk into the cave. Its dark and damp. You see a slight crack in front of you. You look around a little bit and find another entrance way. Go through the crack or go through the other entrance way. ENTRANCE WAY CRACK
GET THE PLANES ATTENTION The Shiny Thing You walk towards the shiny thing. You get closer and see that the shiny thing. It is some sea glass. You pick it up. You look up and see a plane above you. Use the glass to catch the planes attention or put the glass in your pocket and keep on walking. GET THE PLANES ATTENTION KEEP WALKING
RUN AWAY ATTENTION GO WITH THE UNKNOWN You flash the sea glass in the sun to get the planes attention. You think the plane sees it and you move back so it can land. You suddenly hear a giant bang , and the plane starts to fall towards the ground. You step back to let the plane come down. It crash lands right in front of you. The door pops open a little. Though you can’t see it through all the smoke. The door opens all the way and something walks out. It says,” Come with me if you want to live.” Go with the unknown thing or run away? GO WITH THE UNKNOWN RUN AWAY
RUNNING You decide to run. Once you start running you find yourself in the forest. You start running as fast as you can when you hear a voice yell,”Noooooooooooo!” To late you fall into a deep, dark, damp, HOLE CONTINUE
THE UNKNOWN THING CLICK HERE TO PLAY AGAIN. You decide to go with the unknown thing. It tells you to get on the plane. You look at it like its crazy. The plane just crash landed. You get on the plane anyways since you want to get out of here. You get on the on plane and the thing gets on after you. You sit down on a seat and the thing closes and locks the door after you. It goes into the front of the plane. You hear a giant bang and the engine starts to run. You know this cant be good. You try to hide but the thing grabs you by the wrist, it says, “ your time is up!” “you should have never trusted a stranger!” it pulls down its hood and reveals it is an alien. You feel a horrible pain somewhere, you know you are going to die.. SORRY YOU DO DIE. CLICK HERE TO PLAY AGAIN.
The river You keep walking and see your in the forest. You look to the right and see a path. You look to the left and see a river. Follow the river or go on the path? GO ON THE PATH FOLLOW THE RIVER.
Go over the bridge THE RIVER You decide to follow the river. After awhile you see a bridge in the distance. You walk a little farther and the bridge is right in front of you. Go over the bridge
cracked You start to cross the bridge when you hear a horrible cracking noise. You look around really fast. You start to run because you get a feeling the bridge is going to fall. Too late. Just before you get to the other side the bridge falls, and you fall with it. SORRY YOU DIE. Click here to play again
The Cat FIRE HEART STANLEY You go down and meet a cute little orange cat. He is walking around and around you. He must want to go with you. You decide that he is way to cute to leave behind. You like him so much you give him a name. you name him, fire heart, or Stanley? FIRE HEART STANLEY
HIS NAME STANLEY You name him Stanley, he looks at you funny, he turns a weird shade of grey. he doesn’t seem to like the name. he jumps on you, knocks you down, and attacks you. SORRY YOU DIE!
CLIMB BACK UP His name KEEP WALKING WITH YOUR NEW CAT You name him fire heart. Good name! he seems to like it. Now what would you like to do? Climb back up the tree with fire heart, or keep walking? KEEP WALKING WITH YOUR NEW CAT CLIMB BACK UP
CLIMB #2 CLIMB INTO THE NEST you climb up the tree with your new cat. Your cat strays a little to the right on a tiny branch. You don’t want him to fall so you call him back. He comes right away. You climb higher and higher with fire heart. Suddenly you see a nest. You remembered why you climbed up here the first time. To see the nest and what was in it. You climb a little higher just enough to get in to the nest. CLIMB INTO THE NEST
The griffin You climb into the nest. Right when you put one foot inside, you hear a horrible growling noise. You look up. You see a massive griffin sitting on the other side of the nest. You freeze up in fear. You stare at it for awhile before asking,” who are you and where am I?” it looks at you and says right to your face, “ I am stone star the great griffin that watches over this place, otherwise known as the mysterious forest.” “ amazing.” you say. Then you ask, “ how do I get out?” “ I can fly you to the center of the forest where you will meet the centaur, there he will help you.” said the griffin in the most mysterious voice you have ever heard. “ thank you.” you say. “ may we go now?” “ of course.” said the griffin. “ get on my back.” the griffin flexes his wings, just enough for you to get on. You climb onto the griffins back. CONTINUE
The Griffin CONTINUE TO THE MIDDLE OF THE FOREST. You climb into the nest with fire star. Right when you put one foot inside, you hear a horrible growling noise. You look up. You see a massive griffin sitting on the other side of the nest. You and fire star freeze up in fear. Both of You stare at it for awhile before asking,” who are you and where am I?” it looks at you and fire star and says right to your faces, “ I am stone star the great griffin that watches over this place, otherwise known as the mysterious forest.” “ amazing.” you say. Then you ask, “ how do I get out?” “ I can fly you to the center of the forest where you will meet the centaur, there he will help you.” said the griffin in the most mysterious voice you have ever heard. “ thank you.” you say. “ may we go now?” “ of course.” said the griffin. “ get on my back.” the griffin flexes his wings, just enough for you to get on. You and fire star .climb onto the griffins back. CONTINUE TO THE MIDDLE OF THE FOREST.
The Middle Of The Forest The griffin brings you to the middle of the forest . When he lands, you see a centaur waiting for you in a huge clearing. You jump down from the griffin’s enormous back onto the dirt ground. You greet the centaur. “ hello.” you say. “ I’m looking for a way out of the forest.” “ I know.” said the centaur. “ I've know about your presence for awhile now.” “ wait,” you say, “ how did you know I was here?” “ simple common sense my dear human.” said the centaur. “ Anyways you have been wanting to get out of this forest, correct?” “ yes.” you say. “ how do I get out?” “ you must fight the shark,” the centaur says simply. “ he is over in the lake.” “ fine.” you say. “ I’ll do anything to get out of this place.” “ okay,” said the centaur. “ follow me please.” you follow the centaur out of the clearing. CONTINUE
The Middle Of The Forest The griffin brings you to the middle of the forest . When he lands, you see a centaur waiting for you in a huge clearing. You and fire heart jump down from the griffin’s enormous back onto the dirt ground. You greet the centaur. “ hello.” you say. “ I’m looking for a way out of the forest.” “ I know.” said the centaur. “ I've know about your presence for awhile now.” “ wait,” you say, “ how did you know I was here?” “ simple common sense my dear human.” said the centaur. “ Anyways you have been wanting to get out of this forest, correct?” “ yes.” you say. “ how do I get out?” “ you must fight the shark,” the centaur says simply. “ he is over in the lake.” “ fine.” you say. “ I’ll do anything to get out of this place.” “ okay,” said the centaur. “ follow me please.” you follow the centaur out of the clearing. continue
THE LAKE AGAIN You end up going to the lake….. AGAIN. When you get there you see a dorsal fin cutting through the water. You know that it’s the shark. “ If I may make a suggestion,” said the griffin “ you are welcome to come and live in the forest with me.” you think. Go and live with the griffin, or take your chances with the shark? GO AND LIVE WITH THE GRIFFIN. TAKE YOU CHANCES WITH THE SHARK
THE LAKE AGAIN You end up going to the lake….. AGAIN. When you get there you see a dorsal fin cutting through the water. You know that it’s the shark. “ If I may make a suggestion,” said the griffin “ you and fire heart are welcome to come and live in the forest with me.” you think. Go and live with the griffin and fire heart, or take your chances with the shark? GO AND LIVE WITH FIRE HEART AND THE GRIFFIN. GO AND LIVE WITH THE GRIFFIN.
The Shark Apparently, and I don’t know why, but you decide to take your chances with the shark.You take your shoes off. Right before you jump in the water you look back at the griffin. ,” thank you,” you say to him. Then you jump in the water before the griffin could say anything back. While you are in the water you look around, you see the shark coming towards you . It comes so close to you that it hits you and knocks the breath out of you. It keeps doing that over, and over, and over, and over. Suddenly you cant breathe. I’M SORRY TO SAY YOU DIE.
THE SHARK Apparently, and I don’t know why, but you decide to take your chances with the shark. You tell fire heart that you love him just in case you don’t come back. You take your shoes off. Right before you jump in the water you look back at the griffin. ,” thank you,” you say to him. Then you jump in the water before the griffin could say anything back. While you are in the water you look around, you see the shark coming towards you . It comes so close to you that it hits you and knocks the breath out of you. It keeps doing that over, and over, and over, and over. Suddenly you cant breathe. I’M SORRY TO SAY YOU DIE. Click here to play again
The Griffin You decide to go and live with the griffin. YAY! Happy ending for you! You walk back into the forest with the griffin and the centaur. “ thank you,” you say to the griffin. “ no problem,” says the griffin. Apparently you will live happily for the rest of your life! :) THE END Click here to play again
The griffin You decide to go and live with the griffin and fire heart. YAY! Happy ending for you! You walk back into the forest with the griffin, fire heart and the centaur. “ thank you,” you say to the griffin. “ no problem,” says the griffin. Apparently you will live happily for the rest of your life! :) THE END CLICK HERE TO PLAY AGAIN