Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, April 2013


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Presentation transcript:

Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013 Item 5.2 2014 pilot data collection on learning mobility (via households surveys) Eurostat-F5 Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013

Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013 ESS agreement on 2014 pilot data collection on learning mobility, via household surveys Following the conclusions of the Council from November 2011 - need for monitoring of two benchmarks and for development of indicator on youth general learning mobility → report to the Council by the end of 2015. November 2012: ESS agreement on 2014 pilot data collection on IVET mobility and youth general learning mobility – 20 participating countries: 6 countries with option 1 (2 variables on IVET mobility) 14 countries with option 2 (at least 5 variables: IVET + general mobility + - optional - duration) ↓ Data to be provided by 31st March 2015 Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013

ETS WG members are invited to comment on the proposals for: Explanatory notes Quality reports Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013 3

Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013 1. Explanatory notes on filters (references to EU-LFS variables - main survey which will be used) on concept of mobility + examples of learning mobility (including EU programmes – Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus, Youth in action, ..) → some adaptation to national context needed Questions? Comments? Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013

Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013 IVET mobility   Variable name Codes Label Filters QUALVOC 1 2 Blank 9 Having vocational qualification from ISCED level 3 Yes No No answer Not applicable AGE 18-34 HATLEVEL(1) = 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 IVETMOB Stay abroad for learning purposes for at least two weeks during vocational education at ISCED level 3 (including apprenticeships) (HATLEVEL=3 and HATVOC(2)=1) or QUALVOC=1 Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013

Other learning mobility SECMOB   1 2 Blank 9 Stay abroad for learning purposes for at least two weeks during lower, upper secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary formal education (ISCED levels 2-4) Yes No No answer Not applicable AGE 18-34 TERMOB 3 Stay abroad for learning purposes for at least two weeks as part of tertiary education for the following reasons: Following a complete tertiary education programme (diploma mobility) Following studies or traineeship rendering credit points for a tertiary education programme being followed in the home country (credit mobility) No stay abroad HATLEVEL=5-8 or EDUCLEVL=53 OTHERMOB Stay abroad for non-formal education or other learning purposes (e.g. languages courses, voluntary service)4) Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013

Duration of other (than IVET) mobility Variable name   Codes Label Filters DURSECMOB (optional) 1 2 3 4 Blank 9 Duration of the stay abroad as part of lower secondary/upper secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary education 5) Between 2 weeks and 3 months 3 months to 6 months Between 6 months and 1 year More than one year No answer Not applicable SECMOB=1 DURTERMOB Duration of the stay abroad as part of tertiary education 5) TERMOB=1 or 2 DUROTHERMOB 5 Duration of the stay abroad for other learning purposes 5) Less than 1 week Between 1 week and 2 weeks More than 6 months OTHERMOB=1 Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013

Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013 2. Quality reports Should be provided to Eurostat with the data collected in 2014, with the aim to assess their quality and comparability (important for decision making on the future data collections on learning mobility) Proposed format (Excel) and content for the quality report - as already used in EU data collections (e.g. for EU-LFS ahm) Quality report - one of the deliverables to be provided by beneficiaries of the EU grants, by 15th May 2015 Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013

2. Quality reports – content: Design and methods used for the pilot data collection on learning mobility (sample, proxy, place of questions) Description of the main national problems encountered when implementing the module on LM (general, by variable) + recommendations for improvement of such a module in the future Transcoding from the national questionnaire to the variables from the ESS agreement Accuracy, relevance and completeness of the pilot data collection on LM: coefficient of variation for two indicators; publication thresholds, non-responses rates Comparability – variation of definition (concepts from explanatory notes) and of target population (consistency of the filters), timeliness and accessibility of data + national questionnaire used (+ in English if possible) Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013

Thank you for your attention! Eurostat ETS Working Group - Luxembourg, 25-26 April 2013