Agenda Intro to Vocab Unit 10 (1-10) Human Condition Video Projects – 7-8 Read Outliers – Introduction (and discuss) Intro to Success Unit Eqs from what they responded to yesterday Reflection (marathon video – if time!)
Reminders Annotated Bibs – Those still outstanding…I need your purple sheet. If you still haven’t uploaded it to our shared One Drive, you have until this Wednesday. Get your Video Project Rubrics out Success Unit Resources Tab: Outliers Study Questions were posted to the blog yesterday – these are for your use if you want them. Outliers Reading Schedule – be sure to keep up with your reading! The introduction and chapters 1-2 are due Thursday. Outliers First Reading Quiz – Thursday, 4/25!
Vocab Unit 10, #s 1-10
Human Condition Video Projects
Outliers – Introduction – Reading Focus Questions “The Roseto Mystery” Who are the Rosetans? Why are they outliers? How could this be an analogy of what an outlier is? What tone and thesis/main argument are hinted at in this chapter?
What is the book Outliers about? There is a story that is usually told about extremely successful people, a story that focuses on intelligence and ambition. Gladwell argues that the true story of success is very different, and that if we want to understand how some people thrive, we should spend more time looking around them-at such things as their family, their birthplace, or even their birth date. And in revealing that hidden logic, Gladwell presents a fascinating and provocative blueprint for making the most of human potential. *
Reading Outliers Outliers is a nonfiction book. You will need to read this book in a slightly different way than you are used to. I posted study questions for each chapter – it is up to you whether you do these questions or how you use them. I will not collect them, but remember that your quizzes will be mostly factual and detail-based for this book. You will need to look for: main ideas (his claims) supporting evidence (his evidence) explicit and implicit message (his interpretation) ethos, pathos, logos (how he uses rhetoric)
Reflection As you watch the video, think about which stage represents where you are right now? Why? How can the upcoming week move you to later stages?