Hope can be extinguished, As can a flame. Trust can last forever, Faith Love can come and go, As fast as day and night. Hope can be extinguished, As can a flame. Trust can last forever, Or just disappear. But faith never ends. It is always right there. Faith gives us hope, trust and love. Faith is our cane, That carries us through life. ~Anonymous~
What does it mean? The first two lines where they say “Love can come and go, as fast as day and night.” Means that people love other people and then the next day they decide they don’t. Where it says “Hope can be extinguished, As can a flame.” This can be true and it can’t be true. Some people hope for something their whole lives and in the end finally get it. When hope is extinguished there may still be a tiny bit of hope left in you but you not really sure that it will ever happen, so your hope fades like a flame being put out. When you blow out a match there is still some smoke rising from the candle but the large flame (the majority of your hope) is gone. The left over smoke signifies the little bit of hope that a person might have but like the smoke it soon fades away.
What does it mean? “Trust can last forever or just disappear” This means that we could trust a person our whole lives but if one day they do something wrong. E.g. They might have made plans to come to your house and they forgot. The person who was waiting at his/her house might lose a little bit of trust in the person that didn’t show up. Not all of his/her trust but only a small percentage.
What does it mean? “But faith never ends. It is always right there. Faith gives us hope, trust and love. Faith is our cane, That carries us through life.” This shows that faith is ever lasting. It helps us choose what to do and what not to do. It gives us hope, trust and love by giving us faith in hope, trusting, and love. Faith guides us through our lives like a cane guides a blind person. It shows us new opportunities. Leads the way, supports us when we need something to lean on.
Poetic devices and Figurative language In the first two lines they compare coming and going to day and night. This shows how fast it can come and go. In the 3rd and 4th line it is showing that hope can be extinguished like flame. A single flame can be extinguished easily and it is showing how easy it is to stop hoping. In the last two lines is compares a cane to Faith. This show that they both can carry us through life.
Like /Dislike I like this poem and the figurative language it uses to compare everyday things to something like Love, Hope, Trust, and Faith. It allows us to realize that Love, Hope and Trust can disappear so fast, but as fast as they disappear they can reappear.