By: Dav Pilkey DogZilla
scientific Relating to science or the careful studying of things There have been many scientific advances in medicine over the past ten years.
ancient Very, very old Here is a picture of an ancient pyramid from Egypt.
mysterious Hard to understand or explain This woman looks very mysterious.
within Inside of Sometimes characters within books seem real.
emergency A sudden situation that calls for quick action In case of an emergency don’t hesitate to call 911.
immediately Right now After a bad car wreck an ambulance immediately rushed the victim to the hospital.
fiery Burning, flaming A volcano can be a fiery explosion to witness.
horrifying Frightful; causing great fear It was a horrifying sight to see the skeleton emerging from the coffin!
prehistoric Before written history Many dinosaurs lived in prehistoric times.
panicking To be affected with terror The runners were panicking as the dog chased them over the hurdles.
Review Words scientific ancient mysterious within emergency immediately fiery horrifying prehistoric panicking