Tony Doyle GridPP Collaboration Meeting 9 May 2002
Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Outline The Vision Thing… Grid Scale Integration Dissemination LHC Analyses Other Analyses DataGrid LCG Interoperability Infrastructure Finanaces Summary Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Inspiration?? Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow GridPP Documents Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow GridPP Vision From Web to Grid - Building the next IT Revolution Premise The next IT revolution will be the Grid. The Grid is a practical solution to the data-intensive problems that must be overcome if the computing needs of many scientific communities and industry are to be fulfilled over the next decade. Aim The GridPP Collaboration aims to develop and deploy the largest-scale science Grid in the UK for use by the worldwide particle physics community. Many Challenges.. Shared distributed infrastructure For all experiments Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow GridPP Objectives 1. SCALE: GridPP will deliver the Grid software (middleware) and hardware infrastructure to enable the testing of a prototype of the Grid for the LHC of significant scale. 2. INTEGRATION: The GridPP project is designed to integrate with the existing Particle Physics programme within the UK, thus enabling early deployment and full testing of Grid technology and efficient use of limited resources. 3. DISSEMINATION: The project will disseminate the GridPP deliverables in the multi-disciplinary e-science environment and will seek to build collaborations with emerging non-PPARC Grid activities both nationally and internationally. 4. UK PHYSICS ANALYSES (LHC): The main aim is to provide a computing environment for the UK Particle Physics Community capable of meeting the challenges posed by the unprecedented data requirements of the LHC experiments. 5. UK PHYSICS ANALYSES (OTHER): The process of creating and testing the computing environment for the LHC will naturally provide for the needs of the current generation of highly data intensive Particle Physics experiments: these will provide a live test environment for GridPP research and development. 6. DATAGRID: Grid technology is the framework used to develop this capability: key components will be developed as part of the EU DataGrid project and elsewhere. 7. LCG: The collaboration builds on the strong computing traditions of the UK at CERN. The CERN working groups will make a major contribution to the LCG research and development programme. 8. INTEROPERABILITY: The proposal is also integrated with developments from elsewhere in order to ensure the development of a common set of principles, protocols and standards that can support a wide range of applications. 9. INFRASTRUCTURE: Provision is made for facilities at CERN (Tier-0), RAL (Tier-1) and use of up to four Regional Centres (Tier-2). 10. OTHER FUNDING: These centres will provide a focus for dissemination to the academic and commercial sector and are expected to attract funds from elsewhere such that the full programme can be realised. (…. WHAT WE SAID WE COULD DO IN THE PROPOSAL) Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Grid – A Single Resource Glenn Patrick Many millions of events Various conditions Many samples GRID A unified approach Peta Bytes of data storage Distributed resources Many 1000s of computers required Worldwide collaboration Heterogeneous operating systems Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Grid - What’s been happening? A unified approach OGSA A lot… GGF4, OGSA and support of IBM (and others) [as opposed to .NET development framework and passports to access services] Timescale? September 2002 W3C architecture for web services Chose (gzipped) XML as opposed to other solutions for metadata descriptions… and web-based interfaces linux [as opposed to other platforms… lindows??] C++ (experiments) and C, Java (middleware) APIs [mono - Open Source implementation of the .NET Development Framework??] Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
GridPP Context (Internally) Provide architecture and middleware Future LHC Experiments Running US Experiments Build Tier-A/prototype Tier-1 and Tier-2 centres in the UK and join worldwide effort to develop middleware for the experiments Use the Grid with simulated data Use the Grid with real data Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Using Grid Middleware and DataGrid Tools A unified approach 1. Authentication grid-proxy-init 2. Job submission to DataGrid dg-job-submit 3. Monitoring and control dg-job-status dg-job-cancel dg-job-get-output 4. Data publication and replication globus-url-copy, GDMP 5. Resource scheduling – use of CERN MSS JDL, sandboxes, storage elements Important to implement this for all experiments… Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow EDG TestBed 1 Status GRID A unified approach Web interface showing status of (~400) servers at testbed 1 sites GRID extend to all expts Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
LHC computing at a glance 1. scale The investment in LHC computing will be massive LHC Review estimated 240MCHF (before LHC delay) 80MCHF/y afterwards These facilities will be distributed Political as well as sociological and practical reasons Europe: 267 institutes, 4603 users Elsewhere: 208 institutes, 1632 users Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
GridPP funded Staff at CERN 7. LCG IT/ADC Ian Neilson from 16th April. Working on certificate authority then scaling up EDG testbed. IT/API Jacek Generowicz from 1st Feb. Working on GEANT4, in particular, tracking & visualisation Maria Girone from 1st April. Settling in. IT/FIO John Hearns from 1st April. Configuration & installation management; relates to WP4 effort and LCFG. Bill Tomlin from 16th April. State Management. Little acorns.. Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow RTAG Status Tony Cass 6 RTAGs created to date: RTAG1 (Persistency Framework; status: completed) RTAG2 (Managing LCG Software; status: running) RTAG3 (Math Library Review; status: running) RTAG4 (GRID Use Cases; status: starting) RTAG5 (Mass Storage; status: running) RTAG6 (Regional Centres; status: starting) Two more in advanced state of preparation: Simulation components Data Definition Tools Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Applications area has momentum Tony Cass Torre Wenaus started as Area Manager in March. Activities in the Applications area are now well organised. See Weekly Applications area meetings initiated together with “Architects Forum”. Active work for Software Process and Persistency. Work plan must be developed for SC2 approval. Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Fabrics & Grid Deployment Tony Cass LCG Level 1 Milestone: deploy a Global Grid Service within 1 year sustained 24 X 7 service including sites from three continents identical or compatible Grid middleware and infrastructure several times the capacity of the CERN facility and as easy to use Ongoing work at CERN to increase automation and streamline configuration, especially for migration to RedHat 7.2. Aim to phase out old CERN solutions by mid-2003. Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow LCG Timeline 1. timescale Prototype of Hybrid Event Store (Persistency Framework) Hybrid Event Store available for general users applications Distributed production using grid services Full Persistency Framework Distributed end-user interactive analysis 2002 2005 2004 2003 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 LHC Global Grid TDR grid “50% prototype” (LCG-3) available LCG-1 reliability and performance targets First Global Grid Service (LCG-1) available Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Be a part of this? Notes 1. The minimum period for LTA is 3 months. It is expected that a work programme will be typically for 6 months (or more). 2. Prior DataGrid and LHC (or other) experiments' Grid work are normally expected. 3. It is worthwhile reading in order to get an idea of the areas covered, and the emphasis placed, by the LCG project on specific areas (building upon DataGrid and LHC experiments' developments). 4. Please send all enquiries and proposals to: Tony Doyle <> and Tony CASS <> LCG Development – Long Term Attachment at CERN This will enable Grid developments in the UK to be (more) fully integrated with long-term Grid development plans at CERN. The proposed mechanism is: 1. submit a short one-page outline of current and proposed work, noting how this work can best be developed within a named team at CERN, by e-mail to the GridPP Project Leader (Tony Doyle) and GridPP CERN Liaison (Tony Cass). 2. This case will be discussed at the following weekly GridPP PMB meeting and outcomes will be communicated as soon as possible by e-mail following that meeting. Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Summary of LCG presentation Tony Cass Project got under way early this year Launch workshop and early RTAGs give good input for high-level planning … … to be presented to LHCC in July New plan takes account of first beam in 2007 No serious problems foreseen in synchronising LCG plans with those of the experiments Collaboration with the many Grid projects needs more work Technical collaboration with the Regional Centres has to be established Recruitment of special staff going well (but need to keep the recruitment momentum going) Very serious problem with materials funding Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Building upon Success 6. DataGrid The most important criterion for establishing the status of this project was the European Commission review on March 1st 2002. The review report of project IST-2000-25182 DATAGRID is available from PPARC. The covering letter states “As a general conclusion, the reviewers found that the overall performance of the project is good and in some areas beyond expectations.” The reviewers state “The deliverables due for the first review were in general of excellent quality, and all of them were available on time… All deliverables are approved. The project is doing well, exceeding expectations in some areas, and coping successfully with the challenges due to its size.” Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow 6. DataGrid Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Identifiable Progress... 3. Dissemination t0 t1 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
UK TierA/prototype Tier-1 Centre 9. Infrastructure Roles Tier-A Centre for BaBar EDG testbed(s) LCG prototype Tier-1 Centre prototype Tier-1 for LHC experiments (Data Challenges independent of LCG development…) Interworking with other UK resources (JIF, JREI, eSC) = UK portal existing LEP, DESY and non-accelerator experiments Purchases First year = Hardware Advisory Group (HAG1) Balance between cpu, disk, and tape Experts on specific technologies Propose more HAGs (2 and 3).. Needs to be successful in all roles... ..Report progress/problems Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Rollout of the UK Grid for PP 9. Infrastructure Operational stability of GridPP middleware = Testbed team “the gang of four” … Andrew McNab, Steve Traylen, Dave Colling (other half) and Owen Moroney Ensures the release of “Testbed” quality EDG software documentation lead for other system managers in terms of implementation pre-defined software cycle releases (2 months..) Subject of the Rollout Plan… “Planning for EDG Testbed software deployment and support at participating UK sites” (Pete Clarke, John Gordon) See Andrew and John’s talks.. LCG is the proposed mechanism by which the EDG testbed at CERN becomes an LCG Grid Service. The evolution of the EDG testbed to the LCG Grid Service will take account of both EDG and US grid technology. Need to take account of this.. Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Longer Term.. 9. Infrastructure LCG Grid Service Takes account of EDG and US grid technology A large-scale Grid resource, consistent with the LCG timeline, within the UK. Scale in UK? 0.5 Pbytes and 2,000 distrib. CPUs = GridPP in Sept 2004 “50% prototype”? Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
GridPP Context (Externally) Neil Geddes 9. Interoperability Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow GLUE 9. Interoperability How do we integrate with developments from elsewhere in order to ensure the development of a common set of principles, protocols and standards that can support a wide range of applications? GGF… Within the Particle Physics community, these ideas are currently encapsulated(??) in the Grid Laboratory Uniform Environment (GLUE). Recommend this as a starting point for the wider deployment of Grids across the Atlantic. See (Ruth Pordes et al.) Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow 9. Interoperability Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow 9. Interoperability = Minimal e-Bureaucracy Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow £17m 3-Year Project Dave Britton 10. Finances Five components Tier-1/A = Hardware + ITD Support Staff DataGrid = DataGrid Posts + PPD Staff Applications = Experiments Posts Operations = Travel + Management + e Early Investment CERN = LCG posts + Tier-0 + e LTA Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
0. Projected Staff Effort [SY] Status at GridPP3 Area GridPP @CERN CS WP1 Workload Management 0.5 [IC] 2.0 [IC] WP2 Data Management 1.5 [Ggo] 1.0 [Oxf] WP12 WP3 Monitoring Services 5.0++ [RAL, QMW] 1.0 [HW] Security ++ [RAL] 1.0 [Oxf] WP4 Fabric Management 1.5 [Edin., L’pool] WP5 Mass Storage 3.5++ [RAL, L’pool] WP6 Integration Testbed 5.0++ [RAL/M’cr/IC/Bristol] WP7 Network Services 2.0 [UCL/M’cr] 1.0 [UCL] WP8 Applications 17.0 ATLAS/LHCb (Gaudi/Athena) 6.5 [Oxf, Cam, RHUL, B’ham, RAL] CMS 3.0 [IC, Bristol, Brunel] CDF/D0 (SAM) 4.0 [IC, Ggo, Oxf, Lanc] BaBar 2.5 [IC, M’cr, Bristol] UKQCD 1.0 [Edin.] Total 36.0++ 10.0 ->20.0++ 6.0 Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow 1. Recruitment EDG Funded Posts (Middleware/Testbed) All 5 in post + 1 additional EDG Unfunded Posts (Middleware/Testbed) 15 out of 15 in post GridPP Posts (Applications + Tier1/A) Allocated Dec 2001 ~14 out of 15 in post CERN Posts First Round = 105 Applicants, 12 Offers, 9 Accepted 4 in Applications, 2 Data Management, 3 Systems Second Round = 140 applicants, 9 Offers Third Round ~ 70 Applicants Aim ~ 28 posts Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
2. Monitoring Staff Effort [SM] Robin Middleton Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
3. Progress towards deliverables.. Pete Clarke Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow -1. Next steps.. 10. Finances O(100k) e CLRC support through to Sept 04 Other experiments – unfunded in peer review process Tier-2 centres – unfunded initially £2.3m eDIKT (e-Data, Information and Knowledge Transformation) [SHEFC] Particle Physics = application area - assignment of two (of twelve) FTEs in initial planning. Discussions ongoing with EPCC. O(€100m) The first call for Framework 6 will be early next year. Call out now for expressions of interest for new networks and integrated projects. Draft document led by David Williams (CERN) “Enabling Grids and e-Science in Europe” plans to extend the current paradigms with CERN at its focus as the European e-Science Centre. We believe this is the right approach. Incorporates the UK’s e-Science agenda, adding a European dimension. It also recognises the central role of CERN and builds upon the recent successes of EDG. Contact: Neil Geddes Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow Summary A vision is only useful if its shared Grid success is fundamental for PP Scale in UK? 0.5 Pbytes and 2,000 distrib. CPUs? = GridPP in Sept 2004 Integration – ongoing.. Dissemination – external and internal LHC Analyses – we’re getting there.. Other Analyses – ditto - look forward to Roger’s talk DataGrid - - major investment = must be successful LCG – Grid as a Service Interoperability – sticky subject Infrastructure – Tier-A/1 in place, Tier-2’s to follow… Finances – (very well) under control Next steps on framework 6.. CERN = EU’s e-science centre Co-operation required with other disciplines Monitoring mechanisms in place… Emphasis on deliverables End of “business” section Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow UML Diagram GRID A unified approach True Vision?? Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow
4th Collab Meeting Agenda Wish I’d b(r)ought a network card.. Welcome! Tony Doyle - University of Glasgow