LImparfait: circonstances dun événement
Le Passé Composé The passé composé is used to describe a well-defined action, completed at a specific point in time. ( The mention of time may be omitted. )
Le Passé Composé Hier, Pauline a vu un accident. Yesterday Pauline saw an accident.
Le Passé Composé Elle a téléphoné à la police. She called the police.
Le Passé Composé Une ambulance est arrivée. An ambulance arrived.
LImparfait The imperfect is used to describe conditions and circumstances that form the background of another past action.
Time and Weather Il était deux heures ( It was two. La visibilité était mauvaise. ( The visibility was poor. ) Il neigeait ( It was snowing. )
Appearance, Physical, Mental, or Emotional Statement …. Le conducteur était un homme jeune. ( The driver was a young man. )
Emotional cont … Il portait un manteau gris. (He was wearing a gray coat.) Il nétait pas prudent. ( He wasnt very careful. )
External Circumstances Il ny avait pas dautres passagers. ( There were no other passagers. ) La voiture allait vite. ( The car was fast. )
Other actions in progress Pauline allait en ville. ( Pauline was going downtown. ) Sa copine lattendait. ( Her friend was waiting for her. )