OMAC Machine Tool Working Group Sid Venkatesh The Boeing Company Feb 3rd 2005
Purpose of OMAC Work Group To collectively derive common solutions for both technical and non-technical issues in the development, implementation, and commercialization of open, modular architecture control (OMAC) technologies. To promote OMAC development among control technology providers and OMAC adoption among end users, OEMs, and system integrators. To act as a repository for OMAC requirements and operating experience from users, software developers, hardware builders and OEMs in manufacturing applications. To facilitate the accelerated development and convergence of industry and government developed OMAC technology guidelines to one set that satisfies common use requirements. To collaborate among users groups around the world in pursuit of common international OMAC technology guidelines.
OMAC - Machine Tool Working Group STEP-NC Working Group Common Human Machine Interface Working Group
Journey of OMAC / MTG Group MTG was formed in Feb 2002 STEP-NC Value Proposition document 4/02 STEP-NC Design document – 9/02 Submitted proposal for Federal grant – 4/03 Submitted proposal for ATP Grant -4/04 Demo at the IMTS enabling technology booth -9/04 Demo of STEP-NC (CC1) Demo -2/05
2004 STEP-NC Progress Report FDIS out for balloting Development of Conformance Class 1 and basic Road map for implementation Acknowledgement the technology for auto feature recognition is not yet mature Demo showing the AP-238 may be used today to make real-world complicated 5 axis part if file sizes are reasonable and appropriate converter can be written
Contact Info Sid Venkatesh The Boeing Company (206) 655-0612