Serbian Association of Neonatal Medicine Udruženje pedijatara Srbije Sekcija za neonatologiju Paediatric Association of Serbia Section for Neonatalogy home page: contact address: Institut za zdravstvenu zaštitu majke i deteta Srbije „dr Vukan Čupić“, Radoja Dakića 6-8, Belgrade, Serbia email: Established in: 2016 Joined UENPS in: 2018 Current president: Prof. dr Georgios Konstantinidis Republika Srbija No of inhabitants: 7 millions No of annual births: 64.894 Members Neonatologists 49, pediatricians 88, neonatal-pediatric residents 12 Previous activities CME activities: organizing Symposium of Section for Neonatology (twice per year), organizing and participating in Paeditric School of Serbia, Serbian Paediatric Congress and several national neonatal conferences with participation of eminent international lecturers Projects: Standards of Regional Neonatal Health Care System in Serbia, Current situation and possibilities of improving newborn children health care in Serbia; Palliative care in neonatology (part of Project Children palliative care) Organization of care: starting with Regionalization of perinatal care project, through the forming perinatal centers with third level neonatal intensive care units. The main current goals and challenges The main goal and challenge for our association is reduction of perinatal/neonatal mortality (7.8/1000 and 3.2/1000). Currently, we perform final activities in forming perinatal centers with third level NICUs able to provide care for neonates with VLBW (90% of VLBW infants were born in tertiary care maternity centers, but only 30% of them may be completly managed at the same hospital). The next important task is to equalize criteria for stillbirth registration according to the international standards, because uneven registration patern is cause of discrepans in perinatal mortality rate between regions in Serbia. One more activity is to introduce pallitive care standards for newborn infants with guidelines for management of extremely premature deliveries („limit viability“).
Serbian Association of Neonatal Medicine Udruženje pedijatara Srbije Sekcija za neonatologiju Paediatric Association of Serbia Section for Neonatalogy home page: contact address: Institut za zdravstvenu zaštitu majke i deteta Srbije „dr Vukan Čupić“, Radoja Dakića 6-8, Belgrade, Serbia email: Established in: 2016 Joined UENPS in: 2018 Current president: Prof. dr Georgios Konstantinidis Republika Srbija No of inhabitants: 7 millions No of annual births: 64.894 Expectations from UENPS in 2018 Beging of collaboration with UENPS and other national societies is very important for our association. The main expectations are sharing knowledge among members of UENPS, participation in international projects and collaboration in implementation of the European standards in our national guidelines for neonatal care.