PowerSchool Grades and Attendance Report
PowerSchool Begin by selecting a group of students from your “Stored Searches” or simply select a grade level
Select “Special Functions” “Search by Grades/Attendance”
Select Report Criteria Be sure your report is set to run the criteria circled and click SUBMIT: You can choose other grades in this format: A,A+,A-,B,B+,B-, etc. Change according to grading period/semester
Select Students and Copy to Excel Select students by clicking on “STUDENT”, hold LEFT mouse button down and drag to the bottom of the report. Release button RIGHT click mouse and “COPY”
Copy Data to Excel Open Excel and paste data from PowerSchool Into Excel In cell “A1” RIGHT click the mouse and Select “Paste Special” to paste only the VALUES from the PowerSchool report.
Run Absences for Selected Students The selected students should still be your “Current Student Selection” From this screen, click “List Students”
Print Absences and Demographic Data (if needed) Set up the report with Column Titles and Fields Fields for this report are: Student_Number LastFirst *Dabs Gender Ethnicity S_IN_STU_X.Exceptionality_Primary S_IN_STU_X.ENG_Lang_Prof_Level LunchStatus *Dabs will only work for 1st Semester or ALL YEAR absences. If you want only absences for second semester, you will need to use the following: *Dabs;(begindate);enddate
Select all students and copy to Excel Select students by clicking on “ID”, hold LEFT mouse button down and drag to the bottom of the report. Release button Right Click mouse and “COPY”
Copy Data to Excel Paste data from PowerSchool Into Excel Return to Excel and click on “Sheet2.” In cell “A1”, RIGHT click and select “Paste Special” to paste only the VALUES from the PowerSchool report.
Use Sort & Filter Options to view the data you want Use the “Sort” feature to view alphabetize students, teachers, or courses.
Use the Filter option to view a specific group of students. This filter shows female students with less than 5 absences.