Welcome, Wamogo Class of 2022!
School Counseling Department: Mrs. Spielman: Director of Student Services Ms. Brousseau High School Counselor, A-L Ms. McCormack High School Counselor, M-Z Mrs. Fernandes Middle School Counselor Mrs. Hart School Counseling Administrative Assistant
What Does the School Counseling Office Do?
EVERYTHING! The School Counselors help with: Academic matters Social/Emotional matters College/Career matters School Counselors work with you and your parents, teachers, and administrators to help you with anything you need!
When Will We See & communicate with You? School Counselors will communicate with you via: E-Blasts Wamogo Website Remind 101 Naviance (Email) Classroom Lessons Assemblies Feel free to drop by or schedule an appointment!
The High School Schedule
Daily Schedule - M,T,Tr,F A,C Day B,D Day Block 1 (7:23 - 8:48 AM) WIT (8:48-9:08 AM) Block 2 (9:12-10:36 AM) Block 3 (11th & 12th Grade): 10:40-12:04 PM Lunch (9th & 10th Grade): 10:40-11:07 AM Lunch (11th & 12th Grade): 12:07-12:34 PM Block 3 (9th & 10th Grade): 11:10-12:34 PM Block 4 (12:38-2:02 PM) Notes for Speaking: Classes are 88 minutes long Passing times are 4 minutes long WIT “Whatever it Takes” 4-day rotating schedule (to be shown on next slide)
Daily Schedule - W A,C Day B,D Day Block 1 (7:23 - 8:46 AM) WIT (8:46-9:16 AM) Block 2 (9:20-10:42 AM) Block 3 (11th & 12th Grade): 10:46-12:08 PM Lunch (9th & 10th Grade): 10:46-11:11 AM Lunch (11th & 12th Grade): 12:11-12:36 PM Block 3 (9th & 10th Grade): 11:14-12:36 PM Block 4 (12:40-2:02 PM) Notes for Speaking: Classes are 88 minutes long Passing times are 4 minutes long WIT “Whatever it Takes” 4-day rotating schedule (to be shown on next slide)
Sample 9th Grade Schedule A & C Days B & D Days Block 1 7:23-8:48 Algebra I E3 WIT 8:48-9:08 Block 2 9:12-10:36 English I PE (Q1) Health (Q2) Study Hall (S2) Lunch (9th/10th) 10:40-11:07 Lunch Block 3 11:10-12:34 Modern World History Skills 21 Block 4 12:38-2:02 Art I Spanish I Sample 9th Grade Schedule
4 Day Rotation Wamogo has A, B, C, and D days, that rotate once per 4-day cycle before starting over. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday A B C D
Credit Requirements
Promotion In high school, students must earn credits in order to be promoted from grade to grade and, eventually, to graduate from high school. Full year courses are worth 1 credit Half-year courses are worth 0.5 credits Quarter courses are worth 0.25 credits 9th to 10th grade 6 credits 10th to 11th grade 12 credits 11th to 12th grade 18 credits 12th grade to graduate 25 credits
How many Credits do I need in Each Subject? English 4 credits Social Studies 3 credits (1 must be US History, 0.5 must be Law & Civics) Mathematics Science 3 credits (1 must be E3, 1 must be Biology) PE 1 credit Health 0.5 credit Electives 9.5 Credits 2 must be Humanities 1 must be STEM 25 total!
If a student has More Than: 9 unexcused absences from a full year course 5 unexcused absences from a half-year course The student will LOSE credit for the class and it will not count towards graduation!
PowerSchool & Naviance
Powerschool PowerSchool can help you find your: Grades Attendance Assignments You can access it via computer or mobile (code BBBS) Check it daily or weekly! Powerschool
Naviance In Naviance you will be: Taking surveys Completing tasks for your Student Success Plan Keeping track of your community service! Students must complete 40 hours of community service throughout their high school career These hours must be logged in X2Vol in Naviance Naviance