Neurogenins induce a network of transcription factors that mediate iNGN neurogenesisA network of transcription factors involved in iNGN neurogenesis was elucidated from the transcription profiles using Ingenuity IPA (see Materials and Methods and Supplementary Fig S7). Neurogenins induce a network of transcription factors that mediate iNGN neurogenesisA network of transcription factors involved in iNGN neurogenesis was elucidated from the transcription profiles using Ingenuity IPA (see Materials and Methods and Supplementary Fig S7). Within this network, there is a subnetwork of transcription factors that represses stem cell factors following Neurogenin activation. The downstream genes regulated by each transcription factor were used to determine whether each transcription factor was activated (positive activation Z‐score; red) or inhibited (negative activation Z‐score; blue), based on differential gene expression changes seen each day (i.e., day 0 versus day 1, day 1 versus day 3, and day 3 versus day 4). Neuronal transcription factors in our network were identified by looking for a significant overrepresentation (hypergeometric test, q < 0.05) of neuronal genes among their known target genes (using a list of 1,295 neuronal genes based on Gene Ontology). The fraction of neuronal gene targets for each transcription factor is shown in the pie charts, with the significance of overrepresentation of neuronal genes shown with color intensity. A minimal subnetwork linking all neuronal transcription factors back to the Neurogenins was identified, showing that the Neurogenins activate proneural transcription factor cascades and suppress transcription factors inhibiting neuronal genes. Volker Busskamp et al. Mol Syst Biol 2014;10:760 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend