A Handbook to Ms. Isono’s Class Welcome to Third Grade! A Handbook to Ms. Isono’s Class 1
A Little About Me Born and raised in Hawaii My family consists of my husband, Don; our two girls, Madison and Keidon; and our dog, Troubadour. I enjoy spending time with my family, cheering on my kids in their sports, reading children books, traveling, fishing, camping, and baking. 2
Education Background B.A. degree in Sociology and Elementary Education from St. Martin’s College in Lacey, Washington (now St. Martin’s University) 1985 and 1986. M.S. degree in Special Education from the University of Oregon 1987. 31 years of classroom experience – 27 at Hellgate Elementary! 3
Philosophy of Learning Learning is child centered and developmentally appropriate. Learning involves all multiple intelligences. Learning is life long and always fun! 4
Classroom Management Community Agreements/OLWEUS “Fix it” Behavior slips Bully slips NO Toys, Electronics, Trading Cards, anything of value (monetary or emotional) that cannot be replaced. Cell phones will be turned off at 8:20 a.m. and will remain turned off until 3:00 p.m. 5
Community Agreements In order to establish an atmosphere that will foster learning, my classroom community is ran on 4 agreements: BE SAFE BE RESPECTFUL BE A LEARNER CELEBRATE ACHIEVEMENTS 6
Communication Between Home and School Communication is VERY important for success. Please familiarize yourself with: Student planner (Daily) Friday Folder - gray folder (Weekly) Email (risono@hellgate.k12.mt.us) Phone (549-6109 ext. 1056) Ms. Isono’s webpage on the Hellgate Elementary website (http://hellgate.k12.mt.us) Infinite Campus 7
Friday Folder A GRAY folder will be coming home at the end of each week. This is referred to as the “Friday Folder”. Corrected work from the week, notes from the school, and your child’s weekly life skills/behavior chart can be found in the Friday folder. Please sign the life skills/behavior chart by the first school day of the following week (most likely a Monday) and return it along with the GRAY folder. Signing the life skills/behavior chart does not mean that you agree with the marks, but that you have received the chart and are aware of your child’s progress. Returning the chart and folder on time (MONDAY’s) will allow your child to participate in the Friday “Incentive” (extra recess, movie, quiet room to draw or read with friends, etc.), unless completing weekly classwork has been neglected.
PLEASE CHECK YOUR CHILD”S PLANNER NIGHTLY!!! Daily Assignments Daily class assignments are encouraged to be turned in by the end of the period. Any unfinished daily class work is expected to be completed at home that evening and returned completed the next morning. I do not accept late work, however exceptions are made for family emergencies. PLEASE CHECK YOUR CHILD”S PLANNER NIGHTLY!!! 9
Homework Homework is given daily. Students and parents should not spend more than 20-30 minutes a night on homework. Homework will include: Any unfinished daily work from class Reading - Students may read to parent/adult or parent/adult may read to student. Practice basic math facts - Third grade students should be able to add and subtract digits 0-9 fluently by Quarter 2. Students should have strategies to solve multiplication and division facts with digits 0-9 by the end of third grade. Writing - Students will write a paragraph based on the style assigned: Quarter 1: Personal Narrative Quarter 2: Fiction Narrative Quarter 3: Informational Writing Quarter 4: Opinion Writing
Gr. 3 Grading Scale Score Definition 4 3 2 1 N/A Exceeds grade level expectations 3 Meeting grade level expectations 2 Progressing toward grade level expectations 1 Limited progress toward grade level expectations N/A Not assessed at this time E, S, U Excellent, Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory 11
Snacks should be healthy and ready to eat. The following is a list of suggested items to consider for snack: Fresh Fruits and/or vegetables Crackers Dry Cereal Granola Popcorn (already popped, please) Rice Cakes Cheese Pretzels Jerky Yogurt PLEASE REMEMBER…..WE ARE A NUT FREE CLASSROOM. 12
Recess Dress for the weather! If your child is healthy enough to come to school, he/she is healthy enough to go outside to recess. Those with a note from home will likely sit on the bench at the office during recess. 13
My Goals for the Class Instill quality work habits and responsibility for self. Increase academic progress based on baseline data. Maintain communication between home and school. Provide a safe learning environment. Provide a memorable school year that is successful and rewarding. 14
My Expectations for Parents Student arrival to school should be daily and on-time. Read, sign, and return student planner and notes. Provide a space at home for homework completion and assistance to complete tasks as needed. Encourage your child to complete tasks to the best of his/her abilities. Students should know how they are going home each day before dismissal. Hug and praise your child everyday and remind them how much you love them. 15