You must ensure you have the following equipment: Before joining the photography department you will need to be prepared. You must ensure you have the following equipment: Memory cards (2GB or higher) Memory stick (8Gb or higher) Card reader Additional extras if you can- DSLR Camera, tripod, Lenses, Filters, Laptop with Photoshop You must also complete the following task to help prepare you for the in-depth insightful research we do in photography that helps support your portfolio. You must complete a timeline of major photographers who’s work and style have had an impact on the photography world. Success criteria: It must include 50 different photographers. Include major technological break throughs which help shape photography today Image breakdowns What they photograph and why, How they take the photos and what is the meaning behind their work Visual examples of their work Must include modern and traditional photographers It must be a digital format (PowerPoint/Keynote/Google slides) Be prepared to discuss your findings and photographers in the first couple of lessons. Email me if you have any issues or questions.