Heading Strategic Priorities Challenges Opportunities Regeneration Members Briefing June 2018
Regeneration Priorities Asset Management Economic Development Housing Asset Management
Regeneration Structure Staff – 15 Staff - 11 Staff – 370 Staff – 61
Regeneration Capital: Economic Development revenue: LED Budget £2.3m (Slippage + £1m) Business Gateway £580k (£208k EDC, £228k WDC, A&B £70k + contingency) Regen Fund £12.4m Econ Dev. £790k (Includes establishment (£550K) and scheme allocation) Queens Quay £15.6 (£1.42 spent) Exxon £27.9m (£0.55m spent) Total £58.2 (£1.97m Spent) Approx. £1.4m (Revenue) CIT: Completed projects to date totalling £47.70m. These include Bellsmyre Campus, Clydebank Leisure Centre and Dumbarton Care Home. Current live projects listed below quoting budget and spend to date; O.L.S.P – Budget £26.5m, spend to date £16.0m. New school due to open October 2017. Kilpatrick ASN – Budget £10.5m, spend to date £10.4m. The main school opened in November 2016 with Phase 2 due to be handed over in June 2017. Balloch Campus – Budget £16.64m, spend to date £6.38m. New campus due to open February 2018. Pappert Wind Farm – Budget £6.5m, spend to date £13k. Development phase will run for the next 2 years. O.R.P – Budget £22.5m, spend to date £11,322m. Aurora House complete, CTCO complete, Bridge Street full occupation by early June 2017, New Dumbarton Office occupation in January 2018. Q.Q District Heating – Budget £12.0m, spend to date £0.13m Clydebank Care Home – Budget £12.0m, spend to date £0.568m. Due to commence on site in January 2018, with completion in April 2019. Clydebank Community Sports Hub – Budget £2.0m, spend to date £0.131m. Currently evaluating tender returns. Total Budget for live projects is £108.64m – (this is the capital figure that should be quoted on the structure chart slide against capital budget) Total spend to date for live project is £44.94m. Corporate Assets: Capital Works Building Upgrades £3.20m Early Years (For Education) £2.00m HRA Capital (For Housing) £16.50m New Homes (For Housing) – 2 years £20.00m Sports and Changing Facilities £1.80m Revenue CRA £1.10m Income Commercial Estate £4.70m
Regeneration Capital: Economic Development revenue: LED Budget £2.3m (Slippage + £1m) Business Gateway £580k (£208k EDC, £228k WDC, A&B £70k + contingency) Regen Fund £12.4m Econ Dev. £790k (Includes establishment (£550K) and scheme allocation) Queens Quay £15.6 (£1.42 spent) Exxon £27.9m (£0.55m spent) Total £58.2 (£1.97m Spent) Approx. £1.4m (Revenue) CIT: Completed projects to date totalling £47.70m. These include Bellsmyre Campus, Clydebank Leisure Centre and Dumbarton Care Home. Current live projects listed below quoting budget and spend to date; O.L.S.P – Budget £26.5m, spend to date £16.0m. New school due to open October 2017. Kilpatrick ASN – Budget £10.5m, spend to date £10.4m. The main school opened in November 2016 with Phase 2 due to be handed over in June 2017. Balloch Campus – Budget £16.64m, spend to date £6.38m. New campus due to open February 2018. Pappert Wind Farm – Budget £6.5m, spend to date £13k. Development phase will run for the next 2 years. O.R.P – Budget £22.5m, spend to date £11,322m. Aurora House complete, CTCO complete, Bridge Street full occupation by early June 2017, New Dumbarton Office occupation in January 2018. Q.Q District Heating – Budget £12.0m, spend to date £0.13m Clydebank Care Home – Budget £12.0m, spend to date £0.568m. Due to commence on site in January 2018, with completion in April 2019. Clydebank Community Sports Hub – Budget £2.0m, spend to date £0.131m. Currently evaluating tender returns. Total Budget for live projects is £108.64m – (this is the capital figure that should be quoted on the structure chart slide against capital budget) Total spend to date for live project is £44.94m. Corporate Assets: Capital Works Building Upgrades £3.20m Early Years (For Education) £2.00m HRA Capital (For Housing) £16.50m New Homes (For Housing) – 2 years £20.00m Sports and Changing Facilities £1.80m Revenue CRA £1.10m Income Commercial Estate £4.70m
Regeneration Strategic Sites Queens Quay £15.62m Investment Marine Works (April 2018) Roads Contractor Appointed (June 2018) Utilities Appointed (May 2018) District Heating procurement ongoing Health Centre and Care Home progressing Social Housing- Land Sale Regeneration Priorities Regeneration priorities focus on the delivery of Queens Quay, Exxon, Mitchell Way in Alexandria and charrette areas that cover Clydebank, Bowling, Dumbarton and Balloch. The WDC Regeneration Fund will support £2.3m towards Clydebank Charrette, A814 public realm, £2.0m towards Bowling Joint Venture investment , £1.5m towards Dumbarton Charrette, Walkway and £1.2m towards Balloch Charrette, Public Squares project. Exxon The Exxon City Deal project has funding of £27.897m over the next six years. The Council is looking to conclude a sale agreement for the land with Exxon Mobil by December 2017. Significant decontamination and flood alleviation works are required, however the site will enable the construction of a new spine road for the area and the formation of industrial and commercial floorspace that will lead to approximately 689 fte jobs in the area. Queens Quay WDC is working with site owners to deliver over £15m of investment in mainly new housing on the waterfront and commercial activity around the tidal basin. A new care home and health will also is imminent. Clydebank £4.3m of investment is proposed along Glasgow Rd to connect new developments at Queens Quay to the town centre, assisted by Sustrans (£2m). In addition the former St Eunan’s school site is being transformed to community greenspace, assisted by the Green Infrastructure Fund (£620k). Bowling Officers are in discussions with Scottish Canals regarding supporting the delivery of a number of major elements of their masterplan proposals at Bowling including housing and roads and bridge infrastructure, which received planning permission in 2016. Dumbarton town centre and waterfront Planning permission has been granted for a waterfront walkway from the town centre to the Castle. Discussions are ongoing with landowners regarding the procurement of the works. The New Dumbarton Office will significantly increase footfall in the town centre area and consideration is being given to new uses for Glencairn House. Alexandria town centre, Mitchell Way Subject to planning permission and concluding a developer agreement, preferred developer CCG will deliver a Lidl foodstore, parking, 10 smaller commercial units, 24 residential units & public realm improvements. A proposal of application notice for planning was submitted on 5 May 2017. Balloch Officers are working with the National Park Authority and Sustrans to improve public spaces in Balloch as part of the Charrette actions and consideration is being given to new uses for Balloch Castle. Regeneration Capital: Economic Development Revenue: LED Budget £2.3m (Slippage + £1m) Business Gateway £580k (£208k EDC, £228k WDC + other elements) Regen Fund £12.4m Econ Dev. £790k (Includes establishment (£550K) and scheme allocation) Queens Quay £15.6 (£1.42 spent) Exxon £27.9m (£0.55m spent) Total £58.2 (£1.97m Spent) Approx. £1.4m (Revenue) Key Project Highlights: LED St. Eunans £900k with additional Green Infrastructure £660k secured, commence on site early 2018. Outputs of Glencairn House Study and Balloch Castle progressed, potential RCGF Charrette action plan projects: Floodlighting Castle, Castle Gateway , transport interchange Clydebank (with SPT), Public Realm works Mitchell way public realm with Developer CCG/Lidl Regen Fund: Clydebank A814 project £2.3m + £2m Sustrans funding Bowling Basin investment with Scottish Canals, proposed £2m Dumbarton Pathway £1.5m allocation (overall cost £2.5m) Balloch Village roads/junctions at Village and Station square (£1.2m allocated) Queens Quay: £1.4m spent to date (end of 2016/17) £9.7m proposed spend for 17/18- Basin, roads, key infrastructure £4.5m proposed spend for 18/19- Decking around Basin, landscaping and public realm Exxon: OBC approved at Cabinet 11 April 2017 with approved funding of £2.948m until FBC due Dec 2019. Expenditure to date of £550k EIA elements and heads of terms with Exxon priority for 2017/18
Regeneration Strategic Sites Exxon £27.897m Investment Exxon Remediation Plan submitted Road layout complete Other Studies – Quay Walls/ Jetties/Over-bridge Commercial dialogue 28 June 2018 Refreshed OBC- Sept 2018 FBC- Dec 2019 Regeneration Priorities Regeneration priorities focus on the delivery of Queens Quay, Exxon, Mitchell Way in Alexandria and charrette areas that cover Clydebank, Bowling, Dumbarton and Balloch. The WDC Regeneration Fund will support £2.3m towards Clydebank Charrette, A814 public realm, £2.0m towards Bowling Joint Venture investment , £1.5m towards Dumbarton Charrette, Walkway and £1.2m towards Balloch Charrette, Public Squares project. Exxon The Exxon City Deal project has funding of £27.897m over the next six years. The Council is looking to conclude a sale agreement for the land with Exxon Mobil by December 2017. Significant decontamination and flood alleviation works are required, however the site will enable the construction of a new spine road for the area and the formation of industrial and commercial floorspace that will lead to approximately 689 fte jobs in the area. Queens Quay WDC is working with site owners to deliver over £15m of investment in mainly new housing on the waterfront and commercial activity around the tidal basin. A new care home and health will also is imminent. Clydebank £4.3m of investment is proposed along Glasgow Rd to connect new developments at Queens Quay to the town centre, assisted by Sustrans (£2m). In addition the former St Eunan’s school site is being transformed to community greenspace, assisted by the Green Infrastructure Fund (£620k). Bowling Officers are in discussions with Scottish Canals regarding supporting the delivery of a number of major elements of their masterplan proposals at Bowling including housing and roads and bridge infrastructure, which received planning permission in 2016. Dumbarton town centre and waterfront Planning permission has been granted for a waterfront walkway from the town centre to the Castle. Discussions are ongoing with landowners regarding the procurement of the works. The New Dumbarton Office will significantly increase footfall in the town centre area and consideration is being given to new uses for Glencairn House. Alexandria town centre, Mitchell Way Subject to planning permission and concluding a developer agreement, preferred developer CCG will deliver a Lidl foodstore, parking, 10 smaller commercial units, 24 residential units & public realm improvements. A proposal of application notice for planning was submitted on 5 May 2017. Balloch Officers are working with the National Park Authority and Sustrans to improve public spaces in Balloch as part of the Charrette actions and consideration is being given to new uses for Balloch Castle. Regeneration Capital: Economic Development Revenue: LED Budget £2.3m (Slippage + £1m) Business Gateway £580k (£208k EDC, £228k WDC + other elements) Regen Fund £12.4m Econ Dev. £790k (Includes establishment (£550K) and scheme allocation) Queens Quay £15.6 (£1.42 spent) Exxon £27.9m (£0.55m spent) Total £58.2 (£1.97m Spent) Approx. £1.4m (Revenue) Key Project Highlights: LED St. Eunans £900k with additional Green Infrastructure £660k secured, commence on site early 2018. Outputs of Glencairn House Study and Balloch Castle progressed, potential RCGF Charrette action plan projects: Floodlighting Castle, Castle Gateway , transport interchange Clydebank (with SPT), Public Realm works Mitchell way public realm with Developer CCG/Lidl Regen Fund: Clydebank A814 project £2.3m + £2m Sustrans funding Bowling Basin investment with Scottish Canals, proposed £2m Dumbarton Pathway £1.5m allocation (overall cost £2.5m) Balloch Village roads/junctions at Village and Station square (£1.2m allocated) Queens Quay: £1.4m spent to date (end of 2016/17) £9.7m proposed spend for 17/18- Basin, roads, key infrastructure £4.5m proposed spend for 18/19- Decking around Basin, landscaping and public realm Exxon: OBC approved at Cabinet 11 April 2017 with approved funding of £2.948m until FBC due Dec 2019. Expenditure to date of £550k EIA elements and heads of terms with Exxon priority for 2017/18
Regeneration Sites £2.7m £1.2m £2.0m £1.5m Dumbarton Mitchell Way Balloch £2.7m £1.2m Regeneration Fund Priorities Dumbarton Riverside Pathway Clydebank A814- Glasgow/Dumbarton Road Bowling Basin- Development Opportunity Balloch Public Realm- Village and Station Square, Moss O’Balloch, Balloch Road West Former St. Eunan’s site- Bio-diversity Park Delivery Charrette action Plan projects Mitchell Way- Retail development and Public Realm improvements Regeneration Priorities Regeneration priorities focus on the delivery of Queens Quay, Exxon, Mitchell Way in Alexandria and charrette areas that cover Clydebank, Bowling, Dumbarton and Balloch. The WDC Regeneration Fund will support £2.3m towards Clydebank Charrette, A814 public realm, £2.0m towards Bowling Joint Venture investment , £1.5m towards Dumbarton Charrette, Walkway and £1.2m towards Balloch Charrette, Public Squares project. Exxon The Exxon City Deal project has funding of £27.897m over the next six years. The Council is looking to conclude a sale agreement for the land with Exxon Mobil by December 2017. Significant decontamination and flood alleviation works are required, however the site will enable the construction of a new spine road for the area and the formation of industrial and commercial floorspace that will lead to approximately 689 fte jobs in the area. Queens Quay WDC is working with site owners to deliver over £15m of investment in mainly new housing on the waterfront and commercial activity around the tidal basin. A new care home and health will also is imminent. Clydebank £4.3m of investment is proposed along Glasgow Rd to connect new developments at Queens Quay to the town centre, assisted by Sustrans (£2m). In addition the former St Eunan’s school site is being transformed to community greenspace, assisted by the Green Infrastructure Fund (£620k). Bowling Officers are in discussions with Scottish Canals regarding supporting the delivery of a number of major elements of their masterplan proposals at Bowling including housing and roads and bridge infrastructure, which received planning permission in 2016. Dumbarton town centre and waterfront Planning permission has been granted for a waterfront walkway from the town centre to the Castle. Discussions are ongoing with landowners regarding the procurement of the works. The New Dumbarton Office will significantly increase footfall in the town centre area and consideration is being given to new uses for Glencairn House. Alexandria town centre, Mitchell Way Subject to planning permission and concluding a developer agreement, preferred developer CCG will deliver a Lidl foodstore, parking, 10 smaller commercial units, 24 residential units & public realm improvements. A proposal of application notice for planning was submitted on 5 May 2017. Balloch Officers are working with the National Park Authority and Sustrans to improve public spaces in Balloch as part of the Charrette actions and consideration is being given to new uses for Balloch Castle. Regeneration Capital: Economic Development Revenue: LED Budget £2.3m (Slippage + £1m) Business Gateway £580k (£208k EDC, £228k WDC + other elements) Regen Fund £12.4m Econ Dev. £790k (Includes establishment (£550K) and scheme allocation) Queens Quay £15.6 (£1.42 spent) Exxon £27.9m (£0.55m spent) Total £58.2 (£1.97m Spent) Approx. £1.4m (Revenue) Key Project Highlights: LED St. Eunans £900k with additional Green Infrastructure £660k secured, commence on site early 2018. Outputs of Glencairn House Study and Balloch Castle progressed, potential RCGF Charrette action plan projects: Floodlighting Castle, Castle Gateway , transport interchange Clydebank (with SPT), Public Realm works Mitchell way public realm with Developer CCG/Lidl Regen Fund: Clydebank A814 project £2.3m + £2m Sustrans funding Bowling Basin investment with Scottish Canals, proposed £2m Dumbarton Pathway £1.5m allocation (overall cost £2.5m) Balloch Village roads/junctions at Village and Station square (£1.2m allocated) Queens Quay: £1.4m spent to date (end of 2016/17) £9.7m proposed spend for 17/18- Basin, roads, key infrastructure £4.5m proposed spend for 18/19- Decking around Basin, landscaping and public realm Exxon: OBC approved at Cabinet 11 April 2017 with approved funding of £2.948m until FBC due Dec 2019. Expenditure to date of £550k EIA elements and heads of terms with Exxon priority for 2017/18 £2.0m £1.5m Lomondgate Bowling Basin St. Eunan’s
Business Support Business Gateway – West Dunbartonshire Business Gateway offers information, advice and guidance to people who are considering starting a business or growing their existing business. Last year WDC provided assistance to 194 new start businesses and developed growth action plans with 45 existing businesses to help them to implement their growth plans. Support for West Dunbartonshire Businesses – New Leaflet The Business support team have developed a new leaflet which provides information on all the services and support available to local businesses. This includes details on both the range of grant support available and advisory support available through Business Gateway service. Working4Business ‘Working4business’ is a partnership of public sector organisations that have joined together to provide a one stop coordinated service for businesses in West Dunbartonshire. W4B – Business Awards Working4business are organising ‘West Dunbartonshire Business Awards’. The event will be held on the 31 May 2016 at Clydebank Town Hall. Closing date for applications was 31 March 2017. winners will be announced at the event. Business Loans Scotland Business Loans Scotland is a consortium of Scotland’s 32 local authorities, incorporated as a company limited by guarantee to provide loan finance up to £100,000 to new and growing, small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) across Scotland. The new fund went live to clients on 15 March 2017. European Funding The Business Support team have received an offer of grant through the Business Competitiveness theme (ERDF) to provide additional support to businesses with growth potential. The grant offer of £151,125 will be used for additional growth grants and expert help for the period October 2015 – December 2018.
Place Making- Opportunities Site Disposal- Rosebery, Playdrome, Garshake Vale of Leven I.E. Sites Opportunity- Carless Site (Malin Group) Regeneration Capital Grant Funding (RCGF) Town Centre Improvements- Glencairn House potential Work with Planning- Local Development Plan West Riverside-Flamingo Land Balloch Castle and Park Partnerships with private sector, Sustrans, Scottish Canals, National Park, HES, Chambers etc.
Asset Management Designed and delivered 40 housing units at Second Ave, Clydebank Design, procurement and delivery of projects totalling £3.20 million within the Building Upgrades Programme Develop and commence Early Years Strategy Consider Schools Estate priorities Land and buildings disposals of £6.50m Management of community asset transfers High Level Projects New build housing: 40 units at Second Avenue, Clydebank (17/18) £5.00m 100 units at former St. Andrews site (18/19) £15.00m Building Upgrades £3.20m Disposals: £9.00m Rosebery Braidfield HS Highdykes PS Playdrome Site at Carrochan Rd. Auchentoshan
Management of the commercial estate which provides approximately £4 Management of the commercial estate which provides approximately £4.70m income to the Council Project management of Asbestos & Legionella plans for all operational buildings; carrying out annual asbestos inspection of housing premises and providing training for relevant Council staff to ensure compliance with Legislation Continuing delivery of energy saving projects from spend to save and external funding organisations such as SEEP Commercial Estate Income £4.70m
Asset Management Achievements Delivered Phase 2 Kilpatrick ASN Delivered OLSP High School Delivered Balloch Co-location Primary Campus Delivered Dumbarton Care Home Progress with Clydebank Care Home Delivery of C.R.A Budget Priorities Completed projects for info only; Completed projects to date totalling £47.70m. These include Bellsmyre Campus, Clydebank Leisure Centre and Dumbarton Care Home. Current live projects listed below quoting budget and spend to date; O.L.S.P – Budget £26.5m, spend to date £16.0m. New school due to open October 2017. Kilpatrick ASN – Budget £10.5m, spend to date £10.4m. The main school opened in November 2016 with Phase 2 due to be handed over in June 2017. Balloch Campus – Budget £16.64m, spend to date £6.38m. New campus due to open February 2018. Pappert Wind Farm – Budget £6.5m, spend to date £13k. Development phase will run for the next 2 years. O.R.P – Budget £22.5m, spend to date £11,322m. Aurora House complete, CTCO complete, Bridge Street full occupation by early June 2017, New Dumbarton Office occupation in January 2018. Q.Q District Heating – Budget £12.0m, spend to date £0.13m Clydebank Care Home – Budget £12.0m, spend to date £0.568m. Due to commence on site in January 2018, with completion in April 2019. Clydebank Community Sports Hub – Budget £2.0m, spend to date £0.131m. Currently evaluating tender returns. Total Budget for live projects is £108.64m – (this is the capital figure that should be quoted on the structure chart slide against capital budget) Total spend to date for live project is £44.94m.
Asset Management Delivered Bridge Street Office Refurbishment Delivered New Dumbarton Office Progress with Clydebank Community Sport Hub Implementation of Disposal Strategy Delivery of General Services Capital Plan
Asset Management Priorities Complete ORP Programme Deliver C.R.A Budget Priorities Clydebank Community Sport Hub Early Years Expansion Programme Schools Estate Strategy SHIP Delivery Plan Deliver General Services Capital Plan
Commercialisation Commercialisation Opportunities New build housing developments To increase housing supply Area regeneration Encourage new residents into WD Generate income for West Dunbartonshire Council Provide professional and design services to new clients Provide repair & maintenance and/or building services to new clients Commercialisation opportunities to maximise area regeneration such as new build housing developments to increase the local housing supply and encourage new residents into WD. Housing projects for commercial sale, shared equity or mid market rent depending upon local area suitability. This would not only contribute to the housing shortage and housing demand needs but also has the potential to generate income for West Dunbartonshire Council via direct sale income, shared equity pay-back over the longer term or rental income as well as area economical growth associated with new homes and their residents. Potential additional opportunities for commercial growth via the provision of professional and design services to new clients delivered by Consultancy Services and repair & maintenance and/or building services to new clients delivered by Building Services.
Regeneration- Future Opportunities District Heating- Potential extension to GJH and housing Pursue new commercial opportunities School Estate Strategy- further Linkages with Education Community asset transfer Site Disposals- e.g. Playdrome site, Mitchell Way, Garshake Development and growth opportunities of our Business Base Inward Investment Opportunities – Queens Quay, Lomondgate and Exxon Continue to deliver major project pipeline
Thank you
Service Budget Service Revenue Budget Capital Budget HRA Capital Budget Economic Development 1,240,793 27,438,000 Corporate Asset Management 2,612,455 6,318,000 Capital Investment Team 663,396 9,934,000 Consultancy Services 1,021,064 New House Build 8,400,000 TOTAL 5,537,708 43,690,000 Regeneration Capital: Economic Development revenue: LED Budget £2.3m (Slippage + £1m) Business Gateway £580k (£208k EDC, £228k WDC, A&B £70k + contingency) Regen Fund £12.4m Econ Dev. £790k (Includes establishment (£550K) and scheme allocation) Queens Quay £15.6 (£1.42 spent) Exxon £27.9m (£0.55m spent) Total £58.2 (£1.97m Spent) Approx. £1.4m (Revenue) CIT: Completed projects to date totalling £47.70m. These include Bellsmyre Campus, Clydebank Leisure Centre and Dumbarton Care Home. Current live projects listed below quoting budget and spend to date; O.L.S.P – Budget £26.5m, spend to date £16.0m. New school due to open October 2017. Kilpatrick ASN – Budget £10.5m, spend to date £10.4m. The main school opened in November 2016 with Phase 2 due to be handed over in June 2017. Balloch Campus – Budget £16.64m, spend to date £6.38m. New campus due to open February 2018. Pappert Wind Farm – Budget £6.5m, spend to date £13k. Development phase will run for the next 2 years. O.R.P – Budget £22.5m, spend to date £11,322m. Aurora House complete, CTCO complete, Bridge Street full occupation by early June 2017, New Dumbarton Office occupation in January 2018. Q.Q District Heating – Budget £12.0m, spend to date £0.13m Clydebank Care Home – Budget £12.0m, spend to date £0.568m. Due to commence on site in January 2018, with completion in April 2019. Clydebank Community Sports Hub – Budget £2.0m, spend to date £0.131m. Currently evaluating tender returns. Total Budget for live projects is £108.64m – (this is the capital figure that should be quoted on the structure chart slide against capital budget) Total spend to date for live project is £44.94m. Corporate Assets: Capital Works Building Upgrades £3.20m Early Years (For Education) £2.00m HRA Capital (For Housing) £16.50m New Homes (For Housing) – 2 years £20.00m Sports and Changing Facilities £1.80m Revenue CRA £1.10m Income Commercial Estate £4.70m