Snapshot of the GHCP Community Property Owners Lots 1,370 Unimproved Lots 854 Improved Lots 516 Improved Lots with Homes 491 1,017 Taxable Lots Total Lot Owners Improved lots are those designated by the County, and where the improvement has significant assessed value. Homes is the number of unique street addresses associated with improved lots. Are residents of: Virginia 729 71.68% Maryland 145 14.26% DC 10 0.98% Other 133 13.08% Access Cards Total Cards Issued: 2140 To 499 owners, and To 44 lessees Owners reflect the principal owner only. Date of Update: November 30, 2018 Source of Data: County records, Property Owner Information Forms, and other sources. December 1, 2018 General Membership Meeting