The following slides will allow you to answer the questions on pg. 9. Mobilizing for War The following slides will allow you to answer the questions on pg. 9.
Call of Duty With the sudden strike on Pearl Harbor the United States needed to build up its armed forces fast. Millions of men volunteered for service. Millions more were drafted under the Selective Service Act 1
Wartime Production The effort to defeat the Axis powers took more than just soldiers. American forces needed tanks, planes, weapons, parachutes and other supplies.
Wartime Production Under the War Production Board factories churned out supplies around the clock. By 1945 the U.S. had produced 300,000 planes and 75,000 ships. The U.S. supplied 60% of Allied ammunition. 2,3
End of the Great Depression With so many factories in need of workers the Great Depression ended. The GNP (Gross National Product: sum of all things produced in the United States) more than doubled between 1939 and 1945. 4
Please click to play video and answer question 7. 5
Opportunities for Women The number of women in the workplace would eventually reach 19 million. Nearly 30% of the labor force. “Rosie the Riveter” became a national icon. 6,7
Opportunities for Minorities Nearly 1 million African Americans worked in the defense industry. 46,000 Native Americans left their reservations to work in the nation’s war industries. Tens of thousands of Mexican and Hispanic Americans filled the farm labor shortage. 8,9
Rationing Because the armed forces needed so many supplies some items became scarce. As a result of the huge need for steel and rubber for the weapons of war the auto industry stopped making cars between 1942-1945. To deal with the shortages of goods the U.S. government used Rationing. Rationing is when the government places a limit on the number or amount of an item some one can purchase. 10
Images of World War II The next several slides will allow you to answer the questions on pg. 10.
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4