Welcome to Accounts Payable 101


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Accounts Payable 101 Presented by Accounts Payable Sarah Hansen

Welcome The Accounts Payable and Travel offices provide administrative and fiscal support to the campus community and its suppliers. Payments are made in accordance with the laws of the State of California, applicable federal laws, including Internal Revenue Service regulations, and the policies and procedures of the University.

Accounts Payable Staff Director Daljit Khangura 8-5857 Daljit.Khangura@csus.edu Accountant I Sarah Hansen 8-5858 Sarah.Hansen@csus.edu AP Tech III Tia Varner 8-7443 Showntia.Varner@csus.edu AP Tech III Dolores Ortiz 8-6478 Dortiz@csus.edu AP Tech III Denise Morgan 8-7232 Denise.Morgan@csus.edu Concur Travel Sarah David 8-6477 Sarah.David@csus.edu AP Tech III Kristy Lee 8-6476 K.Lee@csus.edu AP Tech III Melissa Kepler 8-7445 melissakepler@csus.edu ABA-FIN-ap-travel@csus.edu For all general inquiries including invoices and payment status. sacstatetravel@csus.edu For all travel related questions Vendordatarecordform@csus.edu For all vendor 204 form related questions

Business Hospitality Expenses Q: What is Hospitality? A: At Sacramento State, "hospitality" is the provision of meals (catered or restaurant) or light refreshments (beverages, hors d’oeuvres, pastries, cookies), entertainment services, promotional items, gifts, awards and service recognition. Hospitality includes expenses for activities that promote the University to the public, usually with the expectation of benefits accruing directly or indirectly to the University. Q: What is the allowable per-person maximum for hospitality? A: Breakfast=$30, Lunch=$40, Dinner=$75, Light Refreshments=$30   When a hospitality expense exceeds the per-person maximum provided in the chart above, the hospitality is considered exceptional. Exceptions require a written justification for the overage and the approval from a Vice President, or the Auxiliary Organization Executive Officer. This authority may not be delegated down any further. The approved justification must include why adherence to the policy was unavoidable and necessary to achieve a University business purpose.

Business Hospitality Expenses – con’t. Q: Who can approve Hospitality Policy? A:  In order to ensure that the approval of hospitality is entirely independent, individuals with delegated approval authority shall not approve the expenses of a person to whom they directly report.  The approving authority is the next highest level. Individuals who attend the event cannot approve the payment. Approval for a missing itemized receipt, or invoice, is delegated to the approving official. Approval is delegated to Vice Presidents when a hospitality expense exceeds the per-person maximum. For all other exceptions, the President may make a limited exception to the hospitality policy and procedures. The purpose for the exception must be documented and signed by the President. https://www.csus.edu/aba/accounts- payable/Documents/hospitality/procedures_hospitality_expenses_nov_2018_a dm_0111.pdf

Payment of Invoices Q: What is the process to pay an invoice? A: Please review FROM REQUISITION TO CHECK, link here https://www.csus.edu/aba/accounts-payable/invoices.html#one Q: Why is there a delay in payment? A:  A payment may not be issued to a vendor for several reasons; such as, the invoice was not received; the Stock Received is not posted.  Please see detailed information. Q: How do I research a payment in CFS?  A:  To determine whether an invoice has been paid, and/or if the check has cleared our bank, please see the Researching a Payment document. Q: When should a check be voided?   A:  If a vendor calls about a payment, and the check has been issued but never received, the check may be canceled and reissued. Before a check can be reissued please review the criteria.

Stock Received Report

Researching a payment in CFS

Search by: Voucher ID, Short Vendor Name or Vendor ID

Voucher Summary

When to void a check If a vendor calls about a payment and the check has been issued but never received, the check may be canceled and reissued. Before a check can be reissued please verify the following: The check was issued more than 30 days prior to the vendor calling. The check is not in Bursar’s (Lassen Hall – Cashier’s Office) waiting to be picked up by the vendor/employee. The check has not been cashed. Request to vendor complete a Check Replacement Application found on Accounts Payable forms page. This form must be completed and returned to accountingservices@csus.edu. The stop payment process is initiated by Accounting Services upon receiving the replacement application from the vendor. The entire process may take a minimum of one to two weeks to complete. Any delay in receiving the completed application back from the vendor delays issuance of the replacement check. Once the replacement application has been received and the stop payment has been confirmed, a new check will be issued and mailed to the vendor.

Delegation of Authority and Reports To (DART)

Direct Payment Requests & Reimbursement Requests Direct Payment Requests and Reimbursement Requests Honorariums/Guest Speakers Non-Resident Aliens Non-Employee Travel / Responsibilities Purchase (or Reimbursement) & Payment Exception to the Policy Procedures https://www.csus.edu/aba/financial-services/nonresident-alien-taxation.html https://www.csus.edu/aba/accounts-payable/direct-pay.html https://www.csus.edu/aba/accounts-payable/reimbursement-request.html https://www.csus.edu/aba/accounts-payable/hospitality.html

Payment in Advance (PIA) A payment in advance is a payment issued to a vendor before the service is performed or the commodity is received. Examples of PIAs include: services, hotel deposits, catering services, and payments to Guest Lecturers. PIAs for Non-Resident Aliens are not allowed. See the Procedures for Payment to NRA Individuals and the Non-Resident Taxation page. Payments in advance must be requested through the Procurement & Contract Services office. The request for a payment in advance must be noted on the requisition. Please contact Procurement Services for any questions regarding PIAs. Once Procurement & Contract Services authorizes a PIA, the Accounts Payable office will process payment. All requests for a PIA must be received in Accounts Payable before 2 p.m. the day before the check is needed. Any PIA requests received in Accounts Payable after 2 p.m. will be processed the following business day (a one-day delay) regardless of the date the check is needed.

Moving and Relocation Expenses

Moving and Relocation Expenses https://www.csus.edu/aba/accounts-payable/moving-and-relocation.html

International Travel According to the IRS, personal travel combined with business travel may be a taxable event and will be reported as income to the IRS and California State Franchise Tax Board if both of the following conditions are met: The total period of the trip is longer than one week, and At least 25% of the trip is personal The airfare is subject to income tax withholding based on the percentage of personal time.

Travel Cards (US Bank Visa) Individual travel cards are being issued to Concur users https://www.csus.edu/aba/accounts-payable/concur/ The travel ghost card program is being phased out and new cards are not being issued any longer.