Mexico High School-Strategic Plan 2017
Mission and Vision
Core Beliefs Core beliefs: We put students first. All students can learn. We provide a safe, secure environment for all. Collaboration among students, staff, families and the community is essential to our success. Our schools are the heart of our community. We value creativity and innovation. We lead with honesty and integrity. Our supportive and rigorous learning environment nurtures the whole child. All are treated with dignity, respect and compassion.
Celebrations from 2016-2017 Oversight committee assures we are implementing our plan with fidelity, monitoring progress and sharing needs Freshmen Academy Task Force updated Freshman Seminar coordinate goals/plan to address reading and writing skills incorporate vocabulary from all subject areas, digital literacy, research skills, and career readiness Technology Incorporation increase students’ reading, writing and math skills (apps, games, etc.) embed PD into faculty meetings and PD days throughout the year
Celebrations from 2016-2017 Club Fair (Spring 2017) transitioning eighth graders and current students attended use social media and “Eye on the Tiger News” increase involvement Career Exploration and Professional Skill Development Clarkson University and other business leaders (King & King Architects) Freshman attended career jam in Jefferson County in the spring of 2017 Graduation Requirements reviewed with all staff at November Faculty Meeting looked at multiple pathways to spark student’s personal interest
Current Developments 2017-2018 Place more emphasis on student mastery of skills and content Determine essential learning for next school year Develop an RTI plan with a pyramid of interventions MACS staff attended a two-day training on RTI at work Work with District PDC to develop our professional development
Long Range Target Updates Performance Targets Performance measures 2014 2015 2016 2017 2019 targets % cohort graduation - 4 yrs (8/31) All students 88 82 89 87 93 Students with disabilities 77 65 48 70 80 % cohort dropout - 5 yrs (6/30) 13 6 8 3 12 11 25 5 % cohort graduating and earning > 1 of the rigorous outcomes below (4 yrs by 6/30): - TBD % cohort earning > 3 college credits 10 32 % earning > 15 college credits 1 22 % cohort’s CTEs earning Technical Endorsement 9 18 % cohort achieving Adv. Designation Diploma 34 35 38 % chronic absence (i.e. absent > 10% of possible attendance days) 24
Areas of Focus for 2017-2019 Engage in challenging curriculum & instruction Promote the social and emotional development of all students Build strong, collaborative relationships
Engage in challenging curriculum & instruction Ensure that all students meet or exceed grade level expectations in reading, writing and math. Include writing across all content areas, enhance our literacy lab and our math lab. Implement a comprehensive approach to increase rigor and graduate more students earning college credit, advanced designation diplomas and CTE technical endorsements. Create inspiration boards throughout the building to promote academic success (e.g., main office, student services, classrooms). Action step Ensure that all students meet or exceed grade level expectations in reading, writing and math. Include writing across all content areas, enhance our literacy lab and our math lab. Implement a comprehensive approach to increase rigor and graduate more students earning college credit, advanced designation diplomas and CTE technical endorsements. Create inspiration boards throughout the building to promote academic success (e.g., main office, student services, classrooms). Build on Naviance data to implement individualized education plans for all students: Create a student-centered plan that exposes students to a variety of careers, the expectations of those careers, the diploma requirements to extend their education beyond graduation, and the courses that are required to obtain that particular diploma. Explore the feasibility of expanding AVID. Review the master schedule to see if we can implement an advisory period. Promote our current rigorous opportunities in order to recruit students to invest in our high-end opportunities (e.g., showcase MHS program success stories through videos posted online or shared at information nights.) Form a task force to plan and host a life success day. Provide opportunities for students to hear from people who have preserved, overcome obstacles, and will inspire them.
Promote the social and emotional development of all students Develop and implement a comprehensive MHS Response to Intervention (RTI) Plan with continued focus on chronic absenteeism. Increase emphasis on student mastery of skills and content. Identify and implement essential standards (i.e., what is essential to know and what is nice to know). Implement high qualify, research based data driven instructional practices and provide professional development on how to scaffold instruction. Review and develop – where necessary – common assessments to match the essential standards. Develop and implement a comprehensive MHS Response to Intervention (RTI) Plan with continued focus on chronic absenteeism. Provide staff development regarding why a comprehensive RTI plan is essential. Develop the essential components of an RTI plan, build a pyramid of Tier 1, 2 & 3 interventions and revamp our current Instructional Support Team (IST) model to incorporate new understandings and strategies. Develop or acquire and then implement a data system to track RTI data. Increase emphasis on student mastery of skills and content. Identify and implement essential standards (i.e., what is essential to know and what is nice to know). Offer positive incentives for students coming to school. Utilize Good News cards to recognize good deeds, actions of students during the school week (e.g., Twitter, Student spotlight or Remind apps for tech integration of good news.) Implement high quality, research based data driven instructional practices and provide professional development on how to scaffold instruction. Review and develop – where necessary – common assessments to match the essential standards. Visit innovative schools to identify ways to enhance instructional design.
Promote the social and emotional development of all students (con’t.) Develop and implement a comprehensive MHS Response to Intervention (RTI) Plan with continued focus on chronic absenteeism. Offer positive incentives for students coming to school. Utilize Good News cards to recognize good deeds, actions of students during the school week (e.g., Twitter, Student Spotlight, or Remind apps for tech integration of good news). Develop and implement a comprehensive MHS Response to Intervention (RTI) Plan with continued focus on chronic absenteeism. Provide staff development regarding why a comprehensive RTI plan is essential. Develop the essential components of an RTI plan, build a pyramid of Tier 1, 2 & 3 interventions and revamp our current Instructional Support Team (IST) model to incorporate new understandings and strategies. Develop or acquire and then implement a data system to track RTI data. Increase emphasis on student mastery of skills and content. Identify and implement essential standards (i.e., what is essential to know and what is nice to know). Offer positive incentives for students coming to school. Utilize Good News cards to recognize good deeds, actions of students during the school week (e.g., Twitter, Student spotlight or Remind apps for tech integration of good news.) Implement high quality, research based data driven instructional practices and provide professional development on how to scaffold instruction. Review and develop – where necessary – common assessments to match the essential standards. Visit innovative schools to identify ways to enhance instructional design.
Build strong, collaborative relationships Increase community involvement. Invite business owners and other professionals to present on the skills needed in the workforce. Query staff to determine where in the schedule the presentation could take place (e.g., where a presenter would align with the curriculum, such as a nurse demonstrating how chemistry is needed to be a nurse.) Follow up with and engage business owners and other professionals. Seek their commitment to present. Schedule presentations. Increase community involvement. Invite business owners and other professional to present on the skills needed in the work force. Query staff to determine where in the schedule the presentation could take place (e.g., where a presenter would align with the curriculum, such as a nurse demonstrating how chemistry is needed to be a nurse.) Develop a flier that clarifies presenter expectations and use to recruit business owners and other professionals. Follow up with and engage business owners and other professionals. Seek their commitment to present. Schedule presentations. Write thank you notes. Implement the “Mexico Beautification Project.” Propose the concept of the “Mexico Beautification Project” to staff and community. Identify a sponsor to lead the effort (e.g., a new club advisor, KEY Club, FOR with additional resources provided, etc.) Create a project proposal submission form with clear criteria, including any legal requirements. Seek community members to submit beautification projects using the proposal form. Select projects and recruit student volunteers. Plan, acquire necessary material and implement selected beautification projects.