Bailey Station Elementary Mrs. Green’s 3rd grade Bailey Station Elementary 2016-2017
Buses/Cars are loaded at 4:00 School begins at 8:45 Tardy bell rings at 9:05 Class is dismissed at 3:45 Buses/Cars are loaded at 4:00
Homework will mostly be reading, practicing math facts, and studying for upcoming quizzes and tests.
We follow the TN state standards. We use McGraw Hill’s Wonders Program for Reading and Envision for Math instruction.
Please email, text or call me anytime! 901-652-5175
We use a Class Clip Chart. It is on the chalkboard. Students can move up or down the chart based on their behavior in class.
Tuesday: Library A/ Computer Lab B Monday: Art Tuesday: Library A/ Computer Lab B Thursday: PE Friday: Music
Report cards go home each 9 weeks. Students will receive conduct, Math, Reading, Science, and Social Studies grades.
Fun Food Friday Each Friday we will have a special snack to go with our Reading story for the week. Please sign up to help!
Classroom Readers Our class chapter book reading time is 12:10-12:20 daily. If you would like to come and read to the class please sign up!
If you can help in any way, please sign up! Volunteers We will need lots if help in our classroom. There are many things you can do (send things in, class reader, fluency helper, etc.) If you can help in any way, please sign up!
Supplies If you have your supplies today, you may leave them by your desk. If not, please bring them on the 1st day of school. Please see the list in your flip book on your desk for the list of required supplies.
Thank You! Thank you so much for coming today! I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday, August 8th for the 1st day of school!