Strategies for Preventing Accidents Objective: In this lesson, you will develop a list of accident prevention strategies for a variety of circumstances, including sports, social events, and motor vehicle-related situations.
Accident Chain Experts say that usually a series of events leads to an accident. This sequence is known as an accident chain. Breaking the accident chain early on can help prevent an accident and subsequent injury.
5 Steps of the Accident Chain 1. The situation - John had overslept and was rushing to get ready to go to school. 2. The unsafe habit - The previous evening, he had left his in-line skates at the top of the stairs. He does that often. 3. The unsafe action - As he was rushing toward the stairs, he didn’t notice the skates. 4. The accident - He stepped on them and tumbled down the steep flight of stairs. 5. The result - John had multiple fractures in his leg and had to remain in bed for a few weeks.
Safety at Home National Safety Council states that people suffer a fatal home injury every 18 minutes and a disabling home injury every 4 seconds. Most of these injuries are the result of fires, falls, electrical shocks, poisonings, firearms, and suffocation.
Interview Assignment Research and take notes on your topic. Create an Expert character that you will interview. Ask questions that will provide information in your answers about your topic. You are required to have a minimum of 8 questions and 8 answers but are welcome to have more to ensure all information is covered. Information you must include regarding your topic are; Common causes Strategies to prevent 5. Your written Interview is due by the end of class.