Using transitions to create movement Alesandra Blakeston
PUSH Transitions can be used to create movement from one slide to the next
Of course, you have to know exactly where you are going!
And what it will look like when you get there
You put the transition on the slide after the one you are on!
And adjust the options to make the slide move up down, left or right
So that it appears as though you are moving seamlessly between the different slides
And that is it! Thank you!
Slide transitions: Slide 1 None Slide 2 Push transition from right Slide 3 Push transition from right Slide 4 Push transition from bottom Slide 5 Push transition from bottom Slide 6 Push transition from left Slide 7 Push transition from top Slide 8 Push transition from top Slide 9 Reveal Slide 10 Reveal
To add a PUSH transition to a slide: Ensure the appropriate slide is highlighted Click on Transitions > Push Then click on the small down arrow of the “Effects options” button Click on the movement you wish to have (From Bottom, From Left, From Right or From Top)