Age-sex literacy rates by various surveys. Table 5. Trend and Level in Age-Sex Specific Literacy Rate 1991-2013 Characteristic Age-sex literacy rates by various surveys. Women Men Census 1991 NDHS 2003 NDES 2004 Census 2006 Sentinel 2007 NDHS 2008 NDHS 2011 NDHS 2013 NDHS 2004 15-19 67.9 61.3 69.9 67.5 67.3 66.7 65.4 82.6 79.2 98.0 85.5 81.7 87.3 82.3 20-24 36.5 56.4 58.9 35.9 58.7 61.1 62.0 63.2 79.7 80.3 87.7 78.7 83.3 81.1 84.1 25-29 49.4 51.9 49.2 51.2 54.7 56.6 54.6 76.2 78.9 75.4 78.3 74.7 72.7 30-34 38.6 41.3 57.7 37.6 46.0 49.9 42.8 49.0 70.7 75.6 68.1 72.0 75.3 79.9 76.9 35-39 35.8 39.8 47.7 41.7 42.7 68.2 70.4 70.8 67.2 71.1 71.7 40-44 27.0 31.1 35.3 41.9 44.4 40.7 60.5 64.6 61.7 60.4 61.9 65.9 45-49 23.7 22.4 37.9 24.2 25.6 31.7 38.3 35.4 59.8 60.0 56.8 58.8 68.9 63.7 Source: Nigeria 1991census, NDHS 2003, NDES 2004, Nigeria 2006 census, Sentinel 2007, NDHS 2008, NDHS 2011, NDHS 2013. ACHA, CHIGOZIE KELECHI et al. Trend and Levels of Women Empowerment in Nigeria. American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 2014, Vol. 2, No. 6, 402-408. doi:10.12691/ajams-2-6-8 © The Author(s) 2014. Published by Science and Education Publishing.