Making Inferences: a conclusion based on evidence and reasoning Combining what an author has written with what you already know. Making Inferences: a conclusion based on evidence and reasoning
Infer: Why is the teacher sending Calvin to the Principal’s office?
Infer: Why does John wish he had kept the receipts?
Infer: Are John and Garfield laughing or crying in this comic?
“The girl gulped down the food, barely chewing it before taking another bite.” What do you know about the girl from what is written?
“She could hear the school bus heading toward her house.” Can you now infer why she is eating fast? What else can you infer from these two sentences? You can infer that the ‘she’ is the girl in the first sentence. You can also infer it is breakfast.
Good inferential questions What does the writer tell you about how the character acts? What does the writer tell you about what the character is facing? What does the writer tell you about how people respond to the character?