Good oenological Practices Gallo produces amazing wines in every category, to suit every taste. Gallo also imports wines from nine wine growing countries in the world. Gallo’s wine portfolio totals over 60 unique brands: Barefoot is the number 1 wine in the US and has introduced many new wine drinkers to the wine category. In 2011 alone we updated the Bella Sera Label and updated the Redwood Creek Label. Last year we also introduced The Naked Grape from California and Bodega Elena from Argentina. Greg Hodson 25 May 2016
Agenda Background Proposal Next Steps
Request from WWTG (Industry) That the subject of Good Oenological Practices (GOP) within the context of the proposed Mutual Acceptance Agreement Protocol: “be referred by the WWTG to the IWTS as an appropriate technical forum to gather the necessary data and form a more appropriate briefing document/ guideline/ proposal that can be returned to the WWTG Government Section for consideration of endorsement...”
What is an Oenological Practice (OP)? Start with an understanding of what an OP is if we want to reflect on what GOP are A start has been made on this in a model wine standard that is being prepared in the context of the APEC Wine Regulatory Forum. This helpfully narrows the scope of the topic:
What is an OP? Oenological practices means [use of]: Does not include: winemaking materials, processes, treatments and Techniques. Does not include: labelling, bottling or packaging for final sale
What is GOP? An approach old enough to be considered (in 1997) as a traditional concept, and elsewhere as “classical” and established by apparently known “rules” Yet a search on the internet fails to find specific definitions or principles It seems we all intuitively understand it and confidently refer to it, but since it seems ill-defined, are we all talking about the same thing?
Draft Protocol Definition of GOP good oenological practice means an oenological practice that: considers the climatic, geological and other conditions prevailing in the region of cultivation; is based on a reasonable practical need to enhance the stability, longevity or consumer acceptance of the wine; and is limited to the minimum necessary to achieve the desired effect;
Put Simply…. OPs are the practices, processes and treatments that may be used in the production of wine – “what may be done in making wine” GOPs is about the optimal performance of these activities. It is a philosophy of production concerned with “how OPs should be performed in making wine”
GOP Horizontal Imperatives A wine made according to GOP shall: Be safe Be true to type (geography, climate, identity…) Receive the minimum in the way of treatments and processes while achieving winemaker objectives and meeting consumer expectations Environmentally “friendly” ?
GOP Vertical Considerations Additives and Processing aids Processes Contact materials Character of the wine Environmental impacts (water, air etc.) Due diligence Traceability Internal transport systems pre-distribution ?
Proposal Produce a technical reference work perhaps in 2 parts; Principles of GOP More detailed overview of considerations A gap analysis identifying where existing aspects are already covered (e.g. in Codex Alimentarius, OIV, WWTG, FIVS) and where more could be done Submit to WWTG for consideration
Next Steps IWTS agrees to consider this issue from a technical standpoint Establish a timetable, seek volunteers for the work Communicate with WWTG on progress