Build-to-Suit New Construction Refinance All Types of Real Estate Mixed Use Projects Garages Power Plants Courthouses and Judicial Centers Correctional Facilities Public-Private-Partnerships Campus Housing Renovation Bridge Finance Combined Heat & Power (CHP) Sale and Leaseback Deferred Maintenance Monetization All Types of Property & Facilities Stadium Administrative Buildings Medical Facilities Water and Waste Water Treatment Facilities Convention Centers
ISC FINANCIAL CORPORATION, an MBE FIRM ISC Financial Corporation is a full-service real estate finance company. We are an MBE. We are active in each of the 50 states. We believe our services to be far less expensive than bond issues. No more waiting by colleges and universities for City Council or other agency approvals; no more public hearings for neighborhood criticism. Substantially reduced legal fees. No more refinancing. Rentals start becoming due days past issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. Additional delays can be negotiated. No more interest charges commencing with the first tranche draw down. Fund disbursements and closings can take place in days. We can access more than $2 Billion that has been allocated to this Program by a major real estate investment banking fund management company. A major investment banking firm stands behind the Program. We follow an open-door policy. Colleges, Universities, Hospitals, Municipalities and Agencies…
ISC FINANCIAL CORPORATION, an MBE FIRM (continued) Our primary focus is to provide institutional finance for institutions having strong credit ratings. We are offering real estate-type finance as an alternative to municipal bonds. We deliver. Our Program is competitive and practical. We offer a speedy process, 60 to 75 day closing. Off-book finance. No out-of-pocket expense. No debt. 100% finance. Although this is treated as a real estate financing project, it turns on the credit rating of the borrower. We also seek to assist our clients avoid the necessity to draw down construction and other funds from Capital Budget accounts, gifts, endowment funds and other internal sources. We provide 100% funding, off-book (as an operating expense) – from planning to design, build, and issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. We cover soft costs and hard costs, retroactively to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. No out-of-pocket costs. No debt. At the end of a long-term lease title to the project reverts to the client, at a cost of about $1.00. The client then books the asset as a completed project at full value. No capital funds were involved in project development.
REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS Strong Credit Rating Minimum Project Overall - $2MM. Preferred Minimum Product Size - $15MM, with no practical maximum. Projects may be aggregated to qualify for any part of this Program A master lease will be required to be in place over the life of the project finance. The client will have 100% use of the property over the life of the finance. The client will be responsible for operations and management of the property. If a municipality or agency would like to see off-base military housing built in their town or city, tell us. We finance all property classes, as outlined above. We are prepared to offer on a refinance. We follow an open-door policy. We finance energy projects and energy savings projects.
PROCESS 1.ISC no-obligations Memorandum of Understanding. 2.Provide an Executive Summary of the Proposed Project or Financing. 3.Show estimated completion costs. Start to finish. 4.Show intended Use of Funds, covering soft and hard costs. 5.If a college or university, please provide a current student count, showing trends. 6.Upon receipt of this information, ISC will cause the underwriting process to commence. 7.Following receipt of requested information, we will arrange a conference call with the Investment Fund to outline Next Steps toward aggregation of additional data needed to enter the Program days later, assuming underwriting finds the project to be feasible, a financial closing could be reasonably anticipated. 9.We would remain available to the client through-out the process.
ISC FINANCIAL CORPORATION Real Estate Finance Serving Colleges, Universities, Hospitals, Municipalities and Agencies. Nationwide George H. Starke, Jr. Chairman Charles R. Jones, Esq. President