Changing a Culture Wayne Tindle, Lay Leader Report White Plains UMC Church Council September 17, 2017
Vision/Mission vs Program SSJ changes the church from Program Driven to Vision/Mission Driven: George Bullard Programs align with vision/mission for focus, support and actions Support Structure that avoids duplication of efforts and dual reporting Measures to Track Progress 9/17/2017
Producing a Culture Change Integrity- Do what you say you will do. It builds Trust and Trust is basic to Culture Change Culture Change is intentional through Education combined with actions Change comes from the heart and Thrives with Role Models Recruit Champions with passion Begin with your sphere of influence and expand Develop a Critical mass Accountability 9/17/2017
Producing a Culture Change (Con’t) Education and Training is essential to Culture Change Results and Successes Drive Culture change Continuous Two-Way Communication in Multiple Ways is crucial Develop Good Active Listeners What may not seem important to you may be very important to the other person Seek First to Understand; Then to be Understood Specific Actions 9/17/2017
Specific Actions to Begin Review the Vision and Mission on the website and answer following questions: What are our vision and mission? Are they easy to understand? Could you create actions to support them? Determine one thing to implement or change to make your area better. Determine one thing that you could do personally to make you a better leader 9/17/2017
Final Thought Savor, Celebrate and Build on Small Successes for Together They make a Tremendous Impact Wayne Tindle 9/17/2017