Formulae Word of the Week Synonyms: Method, procedure W/b: 3rd December 2018 Formulae Noun More than one procedure or method for achieving something (usually mathematical) Synonyms: Method, procedure Examples: The baker make a formula that helped her make the perfect cakes. He had to learn lots of different formulae for the exam.
Thank you to everyone who appreciates and respects the sanctity of our chapel. We are very fortunate to have this holy space.
Morning Worship 7th December 2018 Creation
Share words of welcome … As you start the day, greet each other. Bible verse for today … God made two great lights – the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. Genesis, chapter 1, verse 16 News … This clip introduces NASA’s Mars Insight Lander mission, which has now successfully landed on the planet.
Debate How much more do you think scientific discovery will find out about the universe? Are we about to reach our limit? Does scientific investigation generate more new questions than answering existing questions?
A prayer to take with you … Stop – time to reflect … Stop for a minute – think about the debate that you have shared. Think about your response. A prayer to take with you … Heavenly Father, We thank you for scientific knowledge and skill. We pray that this will be used to your glory and for the benefit of humanity. Amen Share words of encouragement … Before you leave offer each other encouragement for the day ahead.