Oral Presentation & Project Guideline Grade 10 English
Social Issue Guideline Oral presentation and group project guideline
Kiosk First part Second part third part
Oh…. A reward will be awarded to the best kiosk, just FYI.
What we expect from this: You master the content Create a creative kiosk Maintain a visual contact with your audience Be prepared (know your content), pretend… Ability to catch the attention
Here is what is missing… Evaluation by the teacher: recording or in person? Who will be your audience? The class or small groups Where will we present the kiosk? Classroom or Carrefour?
Process: You will pick your groups (choose wisely, maximum of 3) There will be 2 groups of 2 Choose a subject from the list provided YOU cannot have the same subject as someone else Therefore, we will have a draw: With your group, class the social issue by writing your order of preference. Ex: social class, bullying, sexuality, freedom,… Once your name is called, you tell me your choice.
Research You will have 2 DAYS at the computers next week to work on your research. We have NO TIME to loose.
Social Issue Ad