Today’s Purpose: To share our plans with parents and carers To explain our reasoning To alleviate concerns To answer any questions
What is best for Boney Hay Educational Landscape and Underpinning theme: What is best for Boney Hay in the current Educational Landscape and for the Future?
CURRENT EDUCATIONAL LANDSCAPE Government drive for academisation Local Authority no longer a viable source of support Good schools can choose their own sponsor Most local schools looking to convert No time for complacency!
WHY CONVERT? Not a rash decision Is inevitable so let’s go with our own choice rather than be allocated a sponsor Freedom of budgets and curriculum Retain our autonomy Aspirational Opportunities for children and staff Local schools are also doing so – we need to maintain our own identity Working closely as a cluster but time has come to protect ourselves and our identity.
WHY STAFFORDSHIRE UNIVERSITY ACADEMY TRUST? Governors and Staff have undertaken a great deal of research Well respected trust by schools and DFE Already having a positive impact in existing schools 3 schools already in trust with another 3 due to join in December Non profit making – a social enterprise Backing of University Promise to retain our uniqueness Aspirational Already supporting school
HOW WILL MY CHILD BE AFFECTED? No change Change Same school structure Improved staff training Day to day activities unchanged Opportunities to engage with the university and schools outside the area Same school staff Improved support for school Will retain Boney Hay name Enhanced curriculum Will retain Boney Hay uniform except perhaps in Year 6 Stability
Staff changes All still at Boney Hay but employed by SUAT instead of SCC Opportunities to work across the Trust and with the University No one will have to move Same terms and conditions of contract Better Professional Development Stability
What next? Application lodged with DFE Academy Order to start legal process Work with SUAT to manage transfer of lands/staff and assets Proposed conversion dates; 1st Dec or 1st Feb
The future We are spearheading the change We are masters of our own destiny We are excited!