I3U “Investigating the Impact of the Innovation Union“


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Presentation transcript:

I3U “Investigating the Impact of the Innovation Union“ I3U Project Meeting & Technical workshop Vienna, 14-15 September 2015 This project is co-funded by the European Union

WP 2: ERA-EU Funds – EIT WP 2 main objective: to evaluate direct and the dynamic effects of the EU policy instruments that promote a stronger European dimension of R&D base in individual Member States, and the EU as a whole. Commitment 4. European Research Area Communication (TIK) Commitment 5. Construct the priority European Research Infrastructures (WERI) Commitment 6. EU Research and Innovation Programmes (WERI) Commitment 7. SMEs in Research and Innovation Programmes (EIZ) Commitment 8. Strength. science base for policy making through JRC; Forum on FLA (WERI) Commitment 9. Set out EIT strategic agenda (WERI)

Open points / Next steps Common structure for a literature review (for individual committments or WPs?) Methodology of impact asessement – any common framework? Data sharing and coordination of data collection Next steps: indicators and collection of data